New Birth
Warren Mueller
Christian Author & Lake Ecosystem Scientist. Manager Environmental Assessments at Ameren (Retired).
Unless you are born again, you cannot enter the kingdom of God. (Jn 3:3)
Tom’s entrance into a fantasy world is a type of birth. This birth fundamentally changes him and his views of himself and reality. This birth happens through a vortex in a lake is a form of baptism. While Tom chooses to “take a leap of faith,” he has been guided to this decision: his interest in fantasy books; Willet’s friendship and advice; his curiosity that drives him to visit the Enchanted Lake; the voice from the lake and the approach of wolves are parts of a process that result in his jump into the lake. Tom later discovers that it is his Creator who has orchestrated this.
Christians who are born-again experience a fundamental, internal change. They begin to see a greater spiritual reality that many people dismiss as fantasy. God created us and he has made plans for us that bring us to the point of making a leap of faith in Jesus. Tom discovers that his birth or entrance into a new realm is full of immediate dangers. Likewise, those who are near one side or the other of being born-again frequently find themselves in turmoil. There are evil forces trying to confuse and misdirect us. They frequently appeal to our pride through thoughts like “it can’t be that easy to be saved” or “it is wishful thinking.” Family and friends may tell us that we are being brain washed into a cult. Demons insert thoughts that salvation from our sinful and ruined condition must be difficult and requires self-effort in the form of sacrifices, good works, and rituals. It can’t be as easy as being pulled through a vortex into another world. When Tom emerges from the lake, he is not alone. There are werewolves trying to kill him. There is also a young elf named Cearl who helps him. Tom is told that, if the werewolves were to catch and kill him, he would return to his world and think that it was just a dream.?
Before and after I was born-again, I was approached by cults such as Jehovah’s Witness. They attempted to use their interpretation of the Bible to enlist me. As a seeker before my conversion and as a young child of God afterwards, I was vulnerable. Left on my own, I could have been kept from the new birth or I could have been led down a dark path that could have kept me captive to good works and other requirements. Tom’s flight through the dark forest from creatures who pursued him like hounds from hell is reminiscent of my fear of being caught by death and dammed to hell. I believe that God provides angels that guide and protect his born-again children. The elf Cearl is an example of what I call a birth angel. Cearl has a special role in guiding Tom and his parents into his reality.
Tom’s birth adventure brings him to the Valley of Glainne where he is given a magical stone. He is told that this stone will help him see beyond physical appearances. He will be able to discern the true nature of things. This seeing stone is like the Holy Spirit who dwells within born-again Christians. Tom is given explicit instructions on what he must do once he returns to his world. Born-again Christians have been purchased by the blood sacrifice of Jesus. He is both our savior and lord. We are called to obey the dictates of the Holy Spirit. This results in baptism, studying the Bible and finding a group of born-again Christians.
Tom is lured into a portal by the appearance of a banquet table full of food. An old man called Andhun welcomes him to dine. Andhun is a very pleasant and generous host. He is the head of a large group of prosperous and powerful people. Andhun shows them around his palatial dwelling that includes long hallways full of rooms and a spacious library. There is a magical book in the center of the library called The Once and Forever Ruler. Andhun shows them this book and says that it explains the origin, purpose, and future of everything. Tom later discovers that this book is inspired by an evil angel named Devlin. Those who believe in The Once and Forever Ruler think they are working to establish a better world order. They have been deceived because they are really working to establish an evil empire ruled by Devlin.
There are numerous books written after the Bible that claim to be revelations from God. These books claim to be superior to the Bible. Like The Once and Forever Ruler, followers of these false books believe they were given to a special person by angels or God. These false books many times contain parts of the Bible, or they refer to it. They contain lies mixed with truth to make them more attractive.
When Tom returns to his world, he flees into the Enchanted Forest to escape from the wolves that drove him to jump into the Enchanted Lake. At first his fear of the pursuing wolves drives him deep into the forest. The trees seem to close in around him and his fear of the wolves is replaced by the realization that he is lost in the forest. He recalls stories of people who went into this forest but never came out. Shadows begin to resemble the ghosts that supposedly roam this place. Tom decides that he should retrace his path but, when he turns around, the path is gone. Everywhere he looks there are only large, twisted, and menacing trees. He remembers the seeing stone and the promise made that it would guide him. When he takes it out, a beam of light shines and seems to direct him. He decides to follow it since he has no other sense of direction. This experience is like the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes God hedges us in with circumstances that teach us to rely upon his guidance. When we see how the Holy Spirit guides us, we realize our dependence on him in all the circumstances of life. His presence gives us comfort and a sense of security. Like Tom, we may not know where the light is leading us, but we know that we are not alone. There is a greater and more powerful being with us. This gives us peace that we are fulfilling some greater purpose and plan.?