A New and Better You
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to wake up as someone completely different from yourself? It’s a very familiar fantasy and one of the reasons that we love to lose ourselves in fiction and escape the monotony and limitations of our everyday lives.
But the subject of personal identity is a fascinating area to explore because it holds the key to some very surprising possibilities. And it also holds out the opportunity for you to discover levels of yourself that could provide the key to a much happier, healthier and more successful way of living.
Every moment of one’s existence, one is growing into more - or retreating into less.
―Norman Mailer
So, what’s the basis behind this bold assertion? Well, the answer can be found in the way that we’re all deeply conditioned during our early, sensitive and very impressionable childhood years. It’s very much like a form of programming. We absorb behavioural conditioning into our subconscious that can influence us throughout the rest of our lives. Do you find that surprising? It can certainly sound very strange but the programming is so deeply etched into our subconscious minds that we remain almost completely unaware of these powerful influences – even though they provide the driving force behind the vast majority of our thoughts, our feelings and our actions.
It’s such an important area to consider because some ninety-five to ninety-nine percent of everything we think, feel and do is driven by our subconscious. Do you find that hard to believe? We place a great deal of value on the concept of free will. But if we’re being driven by our invisible programming, how can we possibly be free to exercise real freedom of choice when we’re profoundly limited by the hidden foundations of our subconscious? It’s time to explore this subject more deeply.?
You cannot dream yourself into a character. You must hammer and forge one for yourself.
― Henry David Thoreau
For many years, it was firmly believed that our personalities could not be changed. The centuries-old Jesuit idea that each individual is effectively shaped and formed by the time they’re five years of age certainly has some merit because this is the time of our life when we are most heavily influenced by our family, our society and our culture.
More modern research, however, has revealed that this early conditioning is not fixed. Far from it. Our modern understanding offers a completely fresh picture of how our personalities are formed – and how we can adapt and change the programming in a matter of minutes. So, even if you’ve been running the same old emotional patterns since childhood – and that’s a sobering fact that applies to almost everyone – you really can upgrade your behavioural software and experience life on an entirely new and fresh level.
It’s been claimed that this new understanding of our potential for a happier and more fulfilling life may be one of the most significant discoveries about the true nature of human adaptability. Imagine being able to tame your stress, master your anxieties, conquer your fears and unleash your hidden potential. The possibilities are extraordinary, exciting and extremely worthwhile in terms of improving every aspect of your life.??
Life is growth. If we stop growing, technically and spiritually, we are as good as dead. ―Morihei Ueshiba
It’s entirely possible – and highly desirable – to begin this process of change right now. You can begin with the natural ability to turn down your stress response. You can achieve this by relaxing your jaw, neck and shoulder muscles and breathing more slowly and deeply.
Humans are hard-wired to respond to this natural stress-release mechanism and it’s a highly-effective technique for lowering your fear and your anxiety. Try it right now and notice how much of a change you can create just by following these incredibly simple methods.
Personal development is a major time-saver. The better you become,
the less time it takes you to achieve your goals.
?― Brian Tracy
Learning to renounce the heavy burden of doubt about yourself can produce extraordinary changes in your behaviour and in the outcomes you’ll be able to achieve in every sphere of endeavour. When we’re chained to our doubts about what we’re capable of accomplishing, we inevitably live up - or live down - to the lowest possible standard of achievement.
When we doubt that we’ll ever find happy and fulfilling relationships, we’re bound to ignore all of the beautiful opportunities that present themselves to us on a regular basis. We close our eyes and our hearts to what’s really possible. We make sure we’re not available for success, happiness, fulfillment or self-expression. And that’s largely because we’ve been conditioned to believe certain things about who we are and what we can achieve.
Change the programming and you change the outcomes. It really is as simple as that.
The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
But the advantages extend far beyond the important boundaries of stress mastery and banishing limiting beliefs. Once you learn to identify where your early programming is impacting on the quality of your life, you’ll be equipped to make the most appropriate adjustments that can transform your life on every level.
It’s a vast subject whilst remaining deeply personal. Make today the perfect moment for you to explore the limitations that were instilled during your early childhood and make a powerful declaration to free yourself forever.
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