What a ride it's been. Worked my butt off for almost 2 years to get RESPITE HOUSE Clarkdale off the ground. Been stopped at every possible juncture. The former JPMorgan Chase banker Michael Parrish took on treasurer bosrd position & threw RH under the bus. He won't return my LEGAL ZOOM (did not involve local licensing agency as promised) paperwork. I believed it was God's party. I had never planned on starting a business at my age.
Oh well, It is WHAT it is & I deal with it best I can. Que sera sera. Time to let go. Accept RH was never meant to be & move on
Recently, 1/12/2019 I was chosen as a judge in The Errl Cup test MMJ (Medicinal Marijuana) Sooo impressed BEST nights sleep in decades with top of the line 50mgCBD (bought 100mg at event from different distributor...didn't work). Inflammatory diseases calmed significantly ... reduction in pain to complete relief. HOWEVER, nerve damage pain is excrutiating (married & abused 28yrs by middleweight pro boxer Bobby Wong aka Robert Hoy his punching bag)
The 600 mg THC suppository surprisingly did not knock me out or couch lock me but helped me remain calm & productive during the day. PTSD, Bi-polar, anxiety all calmed & for lack of another word..more normal demeanor w/o flat lining my personality. THC CHILL capsules & more on the horizon
CBN is for nerve pain & with occipital & trigeminal nerve damage caused by above abuse. The pain is debilitating.
Having experienced one product line is not as good as another. My position as WGPHX Northern Arizona Representative has afforded me contacts that approve & encourage use of MY RSO capsules that not only have CBD & CBN properties but have been shown to help prevent cancer, shrink & clear tumors & more. R ick Simpson Oil..RSO fantastic
New direction for RH. Applying for a CUP (Conditional Use Permit) to start a HOSTEL. This will afford start up money to advise & educate on AFFORDABLE pain relief. You DO NOT have to have a eurphoric effect if not desired. MY RSO way to go
I know it will shrink growth on adreanal gland, reuce or eliminate scar tissue blocking upper colon. It incorporates the other medicinal effects for sound physical & mental health.
Thank you God for new adventures, new beginnings. WGPHX is my support group in this booming industry. Reminding EVERYONE WGPHX has a Speed Hiring/ Networking event the 2nd Tuesday of each month. People are buffing up their resumes to transfer & incorporate their skills. Pls check out (4 events a yr) Each organization Inspires, Educates & Empowers individuals to make knowledgable choices.
God Bless You Everyone. Thank you for your support & encouragement It gives me hope. I know he plans I have for you said the Lord... to give you a future & a hope Jerimiah