New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Every day, I wake up and walk on the beach with my dog, Suki. Suki looks so happy running around. I take her off the leash and allow her to run, chase the birds, sniff around, and be free. The freedom makes her so happy.

While she plays, I take the time to look out over the ocean and enjoy the sunrise as I walk down the beach. I see the same early risers who are on the beach. Some days we wave, some we talk, and others we are simply absorbed in our own thoughts.

I have come to realize that each day, the sunrise is different, and the day is different. Some days, clouds are covering the horizon. On other days, there are no clouds. Some days, the sky is pink; others, it's orange and red. Today, there was a huge cloud mass in the sky, and lightning randomly struck behind the clouds in the distance.

As simple as this may be, I have realized that each day is a new one. On the days I do not go to the beach for a walk, I do not see the sunrise. Naturally, I still go about my day, but I realize that when I continue one day into the next, I don't get to enjoy seeing the beginning of the day. My thought stream continues, anxiety builds, and I feel an increasing need to control things as the days layer one on top of the other.

Although there is nothing wrong with this, I have come to realize that witnessing the beginning of a day and a new sunrise resets my mindset. This perspective allows me to feel that I have a fresh beginning and creates an enormous difference in my attitude, how I relate to others, my positivity, and, most importantly, how I treat myself.

Just as Suki is set free on the beach, so am I. Each day starts with an emptiness, an absolutely clean slate in which I can create anything I desire.

I once heard the phrase, "you get what you ask for in life." I have come to believe this. As I start each day, I ponder for a few minutes. Every thought, every word, every action creates a counteraction or motion. Cause and effect is the law of life.

What I choose to think in the morning creates my day. Giving myself an empty slate at the beginning of the day allows my anxiety from yesterday to disappear and helps me ensure a fabulous new day. Next time you awaken, remember that you are in control, you get what you ask for, and what you think, say, and do creates your future.

I'm beginning a free series in October entitled East Meets West: How to Meditate. If you are interested, please email me about your experience with meditation and what you would like to get out of a class covering the topic. I always love adding new people to the class list and answering your meditative questions.

Your happiness guru,

Michelle Anne


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