New beginnings
Ailsa Tulloch McDermott
??Director ???Producer ??Writer ?? Coach - For over 30 years I have trained professional presenters and actors to be real on camera. Now I am teaching real people to be professional on camera.
The business world was already progressing aggressively in the direction of digital communication and video marketing at a head spinning pace when in marched heinous head honcho Coronavirus and its sidekick Lockdown. This fearsome twosome brutally catapulted us into a space where digital communication became, still is and will continue to be, our major survival mechanism.
The structures of traditional business connections loosened and collapsed, with digital connectivity whipping up like a super-phoenix from the ashes. We suddenly find ourselves propelled into weird new world rotating on fear, uncertainty and negativity, on the one hand, or challenge, opportunity and growth, on the other. It all depends on how you, as an individual, get to grips with your mindset and specific situation.
“This pandemic is a great leveller” you hear people say “We’re all in the same boat.” What rot! Some of us are luxuriating in yachts; others are scooting along in motorboats; others are paddling suspect rowing boats; others are battling to stay afloat in tin tubs.
Whilst there are those who are sailing steadfastly to join their companions in gloom and doom on Victim Island, there are others who are purposefully power boating to connect with their like-minded compatriots on Miracle Mainland; a place where people expand their horizons, come up with innovative solutions and make miracles happen through taking action.
I landed, somewhat dazed, on Miracle Mainland and wandered into several on-line networking groups where we share our triumphs and support each other’s oopses. It has been an inspiration to see how some people have re-invented themselves, chiselled their businesses to fit the circumstances and thrived during the past months of lockdown.
My marketing and social media coach, Michelle Macfarlane, while spiralling to great heights, encourages her clients to join her on her upward spin. We’re all having a gas as she prods us forward with new marketing ideas.
For my company, Ailsa Craig Productions, she instigated an imaginative social media marketing campaign. She had me making my own video messages to promote my video marketing courses on how to appear confident, relaxed and authentic on camera. She encouraged me to have a new logo designed and, of course, to write articles for social media (like this one.)
If you are hovering on the brink of either diving into the pristine seas of new age marketing, or wading back into that murky comfort zone lake, I urge you take up the challenge and step on that speedboat to Miracle Mainland. I assure you, it’ll be the most rewarding voyage you’ll ever undertake. Try it and see.