New authentication tools

New authentication tools

Elevate Your Security Game: Flow Management Platform's Authentication Evolution with Microsoft Azure AD Integration!

Exciting updates are underway as we continue on a transformative journey within the next-gen management platform, Flow. Our commitment to robust cybersecurity takes a giant leap forward with a migration that not only enhances authentication features but also continues seamless integration with Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). Let's delve into the enhancements awaiting you:

1. Password Fortification through Complexity Configuration: Bid farewell to predictable passwords! Our revamped tools empower users to configure intricate password complexities, fortifying your defenses against unauthorized access.

2. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Revolution: We're stepping up the MFA game! Users can now enjoy MFA with the ease of email and text message deliveries, offering a dynamic and secure authentication experience.

3. Real-Time Profile Monitoring Gets an Upgrade: Real-time is the new norm! With advanced options, monitor user profiles in real-time, gaining unprecedented insights into activities and interactions within the platform.

4. Granular Tracking of Unsuccessful Login Attempts: Every failed attempt is a potential threat. Our migration introduces detailed tracking of unsuccessful login attempts, empowering you to stay vigilant against suspicious activities.

5. User Profile Lockout Times for Enhanced Security: Take control! Set lockout times for user profiles and IP addresses, thwarting brute force attacks and securing your accounts against malicious intent.

6. Network Blacklisting and Whitelisting Take Center Stage: Customize your network access! Our tools now offer the ability to blacklist and whitelist networks, allowing tailored access permissions aligned with your specific security requirements.

7. Seamless Microsoft Azure AD Integration

Full integration with Microsoft Azure AD, further enhancing your authentication ecosystem. Enjoy the benefits of centralized identity management, seamless user provisioning, and streamlined access control, all within the trusted Azure AD environment.

All subscribers can activate new authentication process using CONTROL CENTER. Starting Jan 1, 2024 ScheduleInterpreter will automatically switch to new authentication process.

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