The new audi e-tron GT Is the coolest car in The World

The new audi e-tron GT Is the coolest car in The World

The electric car in the world looks very well??we're going to find out and to?talk you about everything this car and what you need to?know about this car, take this car for a drive?and check out its performance, believe it?or not?this is actually this is one of the international?launch of this car?and normally audi would be having something unique??in Launching Event probably in the south of??France or somewhere glamorous like one?but instead i've had to pick up this car?for the keens,?still i have got?the high performance RS version of this?car so it's a case of?swings and round about it?i'm?feeling?a?bit sick?buying a new car then head to car wow?and my team will help you find your next?car at a fair price?car wow your one-stop car buying?comparison site?let's kick off this Blog by talking?about the price so this e-tron GT?starts at just under 2.45 cr PKR?rising all the way?up to 2.90 cr pkr for this?range-topping rs version?in four spring carbon trim so it's quite?a lot money then?and you wanna make sure you're paying a?fair price for your next new car and to?ensure you're doing that you can click?on the pop-out banner that I?just put popping out in the top right?corner of the screen there to go to car?wow because on average?car while buyers save over 2,900 pounds?now if you want to do that at a later?date you can simply google help me car?wow and my team and i will help you?choose the right car for you and get it?for a fair price from one of our trusted?dealers?let's talk about the e-tron gt's design?because this car it looks stunning?in fact audi's design team i would like?to congratulate you on a job?very very well done i mean look it's?gorgeous absolutely gorgeous especially?like when you see the car with its unique colour's?think as far as having this car?i would have this paint scheme it's very?brave but it's also very very cool?tell you what's also called this big?light bar across the back and the 3d?effect of the lights you've got a?deployable spoiler there which will pop?up?at speed don't know what that speed is?and look down here you've got a diffuser?is it a real diffuser no it's probably?fake it looks quite cool that is the?only fake thing on this car you probably?noticed the carbon fiber as well?that's because this is an rs version sprung?carbon so you get extra carbonyl bits on?it and obviously you've got your rs?badging there as well too?do note this is the most powerful?version of the e-tron gt coming down the?sides they've got really wide haunches?makes the car look muscular?nice creases in the body work this car?is riding on 21-inch alloy wheels so the?range kicks off?with 20s for the normal etron gt and as?you can see these?alloys have these little blades in them?to improve their aero?minimise drag and maximize efficiency?and this car is fitted with the carbon?ceramic brakes check this out though?look at this?there's a carbon fiber roof on rs vor?sprung?carbon models normal rs on gt's have a?panoramic glass roof down the side?you've got some side skirts?this once again in the carbon version?you've got carbon fiber on the door?mirror capsule look?vintage here which is real vintage good?work audi?good work real vintage and real vintage?here at the front as well?come around to the actual grill look at?this first time

?? Ever?an audi grill has been color-coded?like to the bodywork?there's a little patterning on it there?as well to add some texture wow it's a?really neat looking car isn't it and I?like the bonnet design the way it's?sculpted?that is cool this is a really really?good looking car now if you disagree?with me let me know in the comments?below??because?you will still be wrong?here on the inside the eatron gt is just?as lovely as on the outside so?yeah round of applause for the interior?designers at audi as well as the?exterior designers?great job guys love the look and the?layout of the dash the?different textures and shapes common?fiber here on this one obviously it's a?rs model so you've got all the bells and?whistles?quality is very good throughout oh it's?all just feels very solid?well-made the driving position is great?as well and you've got electrical?adjustment for the steering wheel?suitably partially car like this and rs?sport seats in this car and there's?loads of adjustment in them as well I?like the way?it feels very sporty and how you have?this central tunnel there separating you?from your?passenger i also like the layout of the?infotainment system so it's not too big?or distracting like in some other?electric cars?sorry ford that's??hard to cough under that one and it's?ideas familiar system so it's easy to?use you can swipe through the different?menus it's clear crisp the processor is?quick as well?and you've got apple carplay and android?auto which of course is what you're?going to use i like the way they've done?this though?you've got separate buttons for the?climate control so you can just do?things like your heated seats your?ventilated seats?your temperature your fan speed just by?pressing a physical button which is just?much easier to do when you're driving?than on some other audi's like the rs6?where you have to do it through like a?touchscreen and stuff like that?now ad has updated the digital driver's?display for this e-tron and it's the?crispest display i've seen?in an audi yet it's amazing love the?graphics on that?as ever you can choose different views?and go through different menus and?you can also change the setup of it in?the main infotainment system for various?views i've got it on the special e-tron?version?which is like slightly sporty but?concentrating on efficiency and range at?the same time which is hard yeah i like?that though it's really really nice?another thing to talk about?is the storage here inside so the door?bins are in all right size i can fit an?empty bottle of water?in it and um the high vis jacket here on?the center console i've got some cup?holders there?and a space there for things?a bit annoying it's not quite large?enough for the larger mobile phones like?i've probably got the new S21 or should i get an iphone let me?know in the comments below blood box?that's in all right size it's fine yeah?it's all good and under here there's?some more storage though it's rather?tiny in there?not much space you've got your USB?connections there and your wireless?charging for your mobile phone will my?big phone fit in there?oh yes??there's a little recess part so it does?slot in there?that's really neat it's a lot yeah?lovely interior really really really?nice ah?alcantara steering wheel as well it's?good although it does get grubby after a?while if like me you like to eat crisps?while you're driving along?and then you just get it all in the?steering wheel too much information here?in the back of the etron gt it's not bad?you know so headroom look if i sit up?straight i've got about that much?so people over six foot should just?about be okay?knee room is really good because what?they've done is sculpt out the back of?the seat so you get?loads of knee room they've also sculpted?out the floor?as well create lots of foot space now?audi?call that a foot garage yes there's?someone in marketing who's getting paid?a lot of money to come up with things?like that wish i had their job?anyway it does mean that there's plenty?of foot space so that's all right also I?really like the sculpted sport seats?i just wish that they recline a bit more?no you can't recline them?oh well what about the middle seat this?is supposed to be?a three seater in the back because that?we've got the extra seatbelt?let's try it out it's not good it's not?really that good at all?hmm i guess if you want to carry three?people in the back of your electric car?you're better off with an audi e-tron?brought back or the norway train if you?want to see my full in-depth Blog?review of that suv i'll put a link up?there she'll be popping out click on?that you can go watch that video a bit?more information on practicality so?you've got an armrest here though it's?spot slightly by those cuff holders?when they have a cover on it and if you?need to carry longer items such as your?skies as you're heading off to the south?of?france?in your electric four-wheel?drive?sporty coupe a yeah look you can load?your skis through there two people?either side still?there is one thing it's all quite dark?in here and the rear windows are quite?small and look?they don't go down particularly far do?they so i can see the benefit of having?the car with a panoramic glass roof it's?a bit of a shame that the rs version?doesn't have that?i mean i don't really need to save?weight on the roof doesn't matter though?because you can actually fit the?panoramic roof to the rs?vor sprung model as an option a non-cost?option we need to talk about the boot??you see for a car this size the capacity?you have here isn't all that big

??????????????????????????Just 366?liters which is exactly the?same as the big capacity on a?porsche?ti?cam because underneath the skid?they're pretty much the same car now?tesla model s's big capacity is?744?liters?way bigger?but let's talk about this boot for now?there is a bit of a load lip but then it?is a saloon tailgate it's not too bad?really for saloon lifting things in and?out there's some netage to hold down?things such as?a small animal you might have just?captured no you won't have captured an?animal because you're a vegan aren't you?so?maybe a um a vegetable that you've?captured?some little storage pods here and here?12 volt?socket a little bit of extra storage?under here they don't get too excited?because you're not gonna be able to fit?much in there now you can fold down the?rear seats?to create more space if you need to?carry really long items but you can't do?it from in the boot?there is one thing though look the hook?for hanging your shopping bags off if?you need to fall down the rear seats you?have to go?round to the back and do it from here?and then you can look there we go?there then you have a flattish load?floor obviously being an electric car?there is some more storage space?underneath the front body because we?have a front boot?a fruit it's only 81 liters in capacity?but i need to do the all-important?car review uh behaving like a child test?on it so i'm going to get in?and see if i can fit look would it fit?my person oh just about?squeezing in i could hear some cracking?of some plastic parts but never mind?that's not my car oh dear oh my god what?happened there oh?um well i did fit but i dislodged this?and?oh crap look i've actually cracked it?these cars are online from germany?they're going to go mad at me?i don't think i'm going to do that?stupid test again anyway i do what's?also stupid look the size of this cable?bag it's absolutely huge?so once you put that in there you?basically use up all that space?and that brings me up to five annoying?things about the e tron gt?for some reason the car makes this noisewhen you reverse and then brake?it's as though the brake discs are going?every time they get squeezed by the pads?weird?look at this the way the dash is?designed?is that when you open the door it's got?this horrible protruding?spike which is just sticking out so if?you?long of leg and you get in you could?accidentally go?hey i wish everything in the world would?just die?is that too much overacting on the rs6?and r7 you get a little RS?mode button on the steering wheel which?lets you toggle between different?presets?for the driving configuration of the car?yeah even though this??e-tron gt?is the rs model it doesn't have the rs?button so you have to take your eyes off?the road slightly to press the drive?select mode down there which is annoying?so less RS more just arse?this is one heavy ass car it weighs in?at 2 347 kilos which interestingly is?400 kilos heavier than an rs7?if you're the kind of person that likes?to rest your elbows when you're on a?long distance drive you'll be fine?rest them on that armrest but not so?good resting them over here because?there is no armrest?instead your elbow ends up in the hard?cup holder just right on the edge of it?on your funny bone wow it's not all negative though here's?five good things?about this car the RS e-tron gets out as?top of the range?laser headlights which can do all sorts?of things obviously they do a little?dance and stuff when you?start the car open and all that kind of?thing super cool?are you a vegan that's offended of?having to sit on dead cow well don't?worry you can get your eater on gt with?a vegan friendly?non-leather interior also you can get?floor mats that are made out of?100 recycled nylon parts so from?old carpets and fishing nets yes perfect?if you want to get onto twitter and dot?virtue?signaling about how right on you are?these pedals on the steering wheel don't?change gears like in a normal car?because this car doesn't have a normal?gearbox?instead they alter the regen effect when?you lift off the accelerator and the?braking you get from the motor as it Rekeeps less energy and puts it?back into the batteries now the effect?of that can be?so severe that you get 0.3 g?of deceleration which if you're an?engineer you'll appreciate is quite a?lot?you know i said this car doesn't have a?normal gearbox it does actually have a?two-speed gearbox?on the rear axle reason being that gives?you really good?strong initial acceleration but also?decent acceleration?when you're going at higher speeds?whereas other electric cars can run out?of puff?it's important for a car that's designed?to go fast on the autobahn?now the rs version of this e-tron gt?also gets an electronically controlled (Quattro)?limited-slip differential to maximize?traction as you're exiting turns?because there's no internal combustion?engine the service intervals on this car?are actually long so?they're two years or 19 000?miles so you don't have to be messing?around with it all that much?you know what i'm doing the e-tron gt has?a 93 kilowatt hour battery pack?and that should be good for a range?according to our d of 300 miles but?we'll see what the real world?range of this car works out to in a?moment when i drive it so the car is?capable of charging at 270 kilowatts?and if you can find a charger that'll do?that it'll charge from about 10?to 80 full in around half an hour more?likely though you're going to come?across a 50 kilowatt charger and that'll?take you 90 minutes to charge?to 80 this car is powered by two?electric motors one the fron?one at the back in the normal quattro?model you have a combined?476 horsepower though for two and a half?seconds you get a boost function that?takes that up to?530 horsepower in this rs version you?have a combined?598 horsepower and the boost function?for 2.5 seconds?gives you 646 horsepower?okay let's see what this audi e-tron gt?is like to drive i'm gonna start out on?faster roads because that is what it's?designed for it's a gt car now what i've?done is actually reset the trick?computer so i'm gonna see what kind of?energy consumption i average during my?short drive in this car now one of the?things i should point out?first all but the entry-level version?gets air suspension as standard and you?can alter the height of it and the air?suspension when you're going?at higher speeds is really good at?gliding you and wafting you over bumps?makes it really relaxing sometimes?electric cars can have a jarring feel?when they go over bounce but this seems?to just smooth them out quite nicely?the reason electric cars have such?jarring feeling sometimes is because you?have to fit them in such?stiff suspension because they're so?heavy it stops them rolling about?whereas this one i think they've done it?quite well?it also seems to go around roundabouts?pretty well which is a good thing i'm?driving around some nearby area's?because this is where audi Pakistan's base is?where i'll pick the car up from and i've?only got a short time with it so i'm?having to drive it around here but?there's a good variation of roads?one thing i'm noticing is a little bit?of road noise this car has some?huge tires on it for maximum grip but it?does mean that you do?hear more road noise than if the tyres?were thinner the car is well insulated?though?so we've got double glazing on this one?so there's no wind noise?at all but i am just picking up that?road noise partly because i have?no engine droning away under the bonnet?got a silent electric motor now if it's?a bit too silent for you i can actually?put this car?into sports mode and as well as?stiffening up the suspension and?sharpening the throttle response and?making the?ceiling a bit heavier it plays some?sounds through the car speakers so this?is?fitted with a special and sound pack?what's happening is audi's engineers?have worked with sound engineers and?they've created noises for the cars to?make so it doesn't sound like an?internal combustion engine car more like?a spacecraft?they've created some strange noises one?of them was created by blowing a fan?down a long tube and it gives a sort of?more?sound let me see if i can make it do it?can hear it when i'm breaking?i'm going to accelerate?you hear that noise i'm not sure about?it kind of works and gives you this?sense of building speed but it's?i don't know maybe every time i'll get?used to those kind of things but let's?do it again?it's a little bit computer gaming i'll?tell you what's also computer gaming?the throttle response it's like who a?you put your foot down and it absolutely?flies?that's not really going to help me with?my range test much the seats are comfy?that's good so for longer distances?you're going to be fine driving position?is good one of the good things about?milton keynes is?that there are lots of roundabouts so?you can really check the handling out?this is a heavy car but all the weight?is low down and?maybe the carbon roof is helping a?bit with the center of gravity as well?by lowering it?i don't think it's gonna make much of a?difference but this car is going around?this roundabout?let's see if we can keep up with him?around here?i'd start to wash wide eventually one?drawback that i have noticed though is?the view out the back?window it's hardly anything you can't?see very much at all?also another problem i've noticed is?that this window area isn't that big?and this pillow obstructs your view when?you're looking across that way and it's?annoying when you're roundabouts or?other junctions trying to pull out does?just get in the way?obviously this car's got all the latest?safety systems to help you out so it 'll?stop you crashing into things and?you know does auto emergency braking and?all of that kind of stuff?oh it's starting to lean a little bit?now well do you know what?through testing this on the roundabouts?of Karachi i can tell you this car?turns right very well indeed?i'm not sure what it's like turning left?hopefully it's better than the zoolander?i can't turn left now let's see what?this car is like when you're doing?lower speeds it's just round town or?maybe around a housing estate?in Karachi let's try the?suspension over some ruts?it's dealing with those pretty well?feels like a comfortable car?round town over bumps look at there's?some bad bits?fine one of the best if not?the best riding electric cars i have?been in?oh actually i can see a speed up here?let's try that?really good suspension in this car let's?see how maneuverable it is?it's not too bad for a long car you see?it's got rear wheel steering as standard?so the back wheels can turn in the?opposite direction of the front wheels?when you're going slowly?and that makes it more maneuverable when?you're going quicker the back wheels go?in the same direction as the front?wheels to aid high speed stability?so it's not as difficult to park or turn?around as you might think?that's really high definition really?nice shot great cameras?one other thing i want to try the brakes?now electric car brakes can be a bit?jerky when you first press them?bit grabby they are a little bit the?reason is that?it goes into regen mode rather than?initial normal braking they do that on?all electric cars and it's quite hard toget the balance and the feel just right?and then when you press the pedal harder?you do engage the friction brakes now i?couldn't tell that transition then?that's actually pretty good and i?suppose i would just get used to the?sensitivity of the brake pedal?after time it's definitely better than?in a lot of electric cars?i drove a mercedes eq the other day and?that was?a little bit jerky now let's try the?regen effect to the maximum so let's put?it into?full regen mode what's that like can i?just drive around without having to?touch the brake it's all right?it's not full one pedal driving like you?can get in something like a nissan leaf?that will actually use the proper?friction brakes to really properly stop?you?there is one thing that i'm finding?surprising though i'm driving past quite?a lot of people?and no one has looked at my car really?and gone wow?look at my car guys it's brand new brand?new audi e-tron?maybe it's this camo green color i'm?just blending in will this guy look?will this guy look look look nobody [ __ ]?yeah there we go he looked he looked?that time people look if?you use the horn yeah he's a young?couple wonder if they'll look?this guy's going to look come on look at?this beautiful new audio?do you like that yeah do that?no didn't care will she look?yep there we go look that's cheating in?it right i'm going to pull over and?check my economy?i have averaged 3.7 kilometers?per kilowatt hour now i need to do some?maths people so bear with me?so the available battery capacity you?have on this car is 85 kilowatts even?though the battery pack is?93 the amount you can use is 85?kilowatts 3.7 kilometers per kilowatt so?3.7 times 85 equals 314?kilometer range turn that into old money?and that translates to a real world?range of 196 miles which?isn't that great is it hmm it's one of?the problems with electric cars?however one of my favorite things about?them is their acceleration so?there is one last thing to do right?let's see how quick this car?is to 62 miles an hour or 100 kilometers?an hour i'm going to use the special?on-board timer of the car itself see?what we do so left on the brake floorthe throttle let go of the brake?blimey there we go to get on the brakes?quickly then so i'm not breaking the?speed limit?not to 100 kilometers an hour in three?seconds dead?three seconds it's quick?you know what i'm gonna try that again

? because?i can we're gonna do this time?oh look at here exact same time three?seconds dead?let's go again here we go three two one?there's a theme here not to 62 miles an?hour three seconds dead?i think you'll find howdy says it'll d??it in 3.3 seconds?they're clearly lying that's good lying?it's german lying?that's how they usually lie about times?the germans if it was italian it'd be?the other way around they'd be good oh?yeah then 2.5?never does all americans with the teslas?and stuff they usually do the same thing?germans don't germans like to understate?so then what's my final verdict on the?new audi etron gt?should you avoid it should you consider?it should you shortlist it or should you?just go right ahead and buy it?well i reckon you should shortlist the?e-tron gt?it is a lovely electric car that's great?to drive lovely to look at?beautiful inside but it doesn't quite?have the range to match a tesla model S?hey if you enjoyed the video please give?it a like also let me know if any other?Blog you'd like me to do in the?comments below

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