New Attitude!
Patti Labelle is one of my favorite singers (and performers), and one of my favorite songs is Patti Labelle, New Attitude.?It’s a great song to usher in the new year.
"I’m feelin good from my head to my shoes
Know where I’m goin and I know what to do
I tidied up my point of view
I got a new attitude"
As we usher in the new year, point of view and perspective are powerful leadership tools.?Coming out of extended breaks, we hopefully emerge with a point of view and perspective.?Slowing down and taking some time off during the holiday season affords solace and a place for perspective. The slowing down and taking space allows you to take stock of how your past year was, what you hope for the future year, and to spend time with people who know you, love you, and may or may not get on your nerves sometimes :).?
Over break, I listened to and read content from some leaders I respect.? One of these leaders talked about the power of a leader “detaching.”?As he described it, detachment was really about gaining perspective. Instead of getting caught in the emotional spiral that can happen, take a moment to detach and think objectively.
As folks seeking to listen and lead diverse, complex organizations, the power of perspective, distance, and detachment is important.?At the same time, the power of proximity is also important.?So how do you hold these 2 ideas together at once?
It’s part of what I hope Possip helps accomplish. I stay close to my people by hearing from them. I also can get perspective and a level of objectivity by hearing from them routinely and in aggregate, all at once. I get to listen by hearing from people in their own words.
So this year, consider ways you can get the perspective, space, and detachment you need as a leader- while also staying close and proximate to the front lines.
Conclusion: If only you knew, this new year I will fire up some of my Patti Perspective with a new attitude, and stir it up :).?
P.S. - that last sentence is for the benefit of Patti Labelle fans. Also if you’re a fan and watched the Luther Vandross documentary last night, you might enjoy this throw back duo.