Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Foundation
Save orangutans.
After Sayang was seen some months ago with an enlarged belly and other signs of pregnancy, our Post-Release Monitoring (PRM) team from Camp Lesik was not able to locate her again. Meanwhile, Lesan and her family were often spotted and monitored around Camp Lesik. But, where had Sayang gone? Had she given birth? Our PRM team members were both curious and anxious to know where Sayang was and how she was doing.
Then, around mid-April, Sayang suddenly popped up near Camp Lesik with Padma - and a new baby! Members of our PRM team had been looking for Sayang for a long time and had no idea of her whereabouts. Imagine their surprise and joy at finally spotting her with her two offspring, returning to visit Camp Lesik after going unobserved for some time.
Read more about this heartwarming story: click here