New album from Ryan Roxie
Rich Vandermey
Passionate Recruitment Solutions Provider. Top Sales Professionals | Operations | Audio/Video | Building Materials/Construction | Financial | Automotive | Nationwide 714-970-1113/714-745-0128
It is very obvious I am a huge music fan. Unfortunately, guitar driven Rock n Roll gets little to no airplay. I am asking my Linked in connections to check out the new music coming from Alice Coopers guitarist Ryan Roxie. Over and Done,+ California Man (Cheap Trick cover) are the first 2 singles. Both kick ass. On May 18th he will be dropping a new song "To live and die in LA" I had the opportunity to hear it and it is killer. Please check him out on Spotify, if you dig it please follow and tell a friend. The album Imagine your Reality comes on on May 25th.