Belinda Foster
Executive Partner and National Recruiter for Centropix Biotech Wellness Solutions
Yes!!! Another new class for NEW AGENTS, this Saturday, May 15th, 11am to 1pm EDT. Keep reading.......
Steve Orduno and Lynn Gardner
You do NOT want to miss these two powerhouses! Steve is a Pastor and long time user of the unique platform that is changing the world of finance for the CONSUMER!
Lynn is a Christian Author, Realtor, Appraiser, and long time user as well of our web based platform. Both will be sharing and teaching straight from the heart of how to serve others.
Just like no one wants to pay more taxes, no one wants to pay more interest on debt than they have to, and especially when that money can be building them wealth!
2 and 3% is NOT cheap money, for example, on a mortgage. The Truth In Lending even tells you so, that it is actually on avg 50% more you'll pay in interest than what you borrowed.
FIFTY PERCENT?? Yes mam, yes sir. But it doesn't have to be that way! We can show you how to cancel on average 50-70% of that, which means more money you saved, more money you now invest into YOUR wealth and your home's equity is solid so that if you want to harvest that equity and put it back to work FOR YOU, now you can.
Leverage is amazing when you can get a cost of funds of around 1% without refinancing, without regard to your credit score, and without changing your budget. It's RIGHT here in front of you and we will show you how!
For those of you who love coaching, who love to be trainers, this is for YOU! Join us as a guest and learn how to do these trainings for your organization. The PowerPoints are all done for every topic.
This Saturday it begins at 11:00 AM EDT and will go for approximately 2 very fast hours. It's over in a flash, so don't miss it!
In fact invite others to this as it may be how they decide to become a New Agent and join our cause and do it with you.
And no worries, reach out and I'll fill you in on more details so that you'll be ready for Saturday. Just message me at [email protected]
Also, will you commit to participating during the role playing? It makes for a far better training when this happens.
See you this Saturday!