A New Age, A New Era, and a New Physics - Dedication To Dr. Paul Laviolette

A New Age, A New Era, and a New Physics - Dedication To Dr. Paul Laviolette

Dr. Paul LaViolette was a brilliant man light years ahead of not only the general public but even the academic population; Dr. Laviolette deserves credit for his work in a variety of scientific disciplines most notably astrophysics and astronomy. But most important is his physics theory called Sub-quantum Kinetics which takes an organic chemistry approach to physics. Sub-quantum Kinetics is a novel micro physics paradigm that incorporates concepts developed in the fields of system theory and non-equilibrium thermodynamics with one of its distinctive features is that it begins at the sub-quantum level for its point of departure. Instead of beginning with physical observations, sub-quantum kinetics begins by postulating a set of well-ordered reaction processes that are proposed to take place at the sub-quantum level. Collectively, these reaction processes compose what is termed the transmuting ether, an active substrate that is quite different from the passive mechanical aethers considered in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. It further proposes that the concentrations of the substrates composing this ether are the energy potential fields that form the basis of all matter and energy in our universe. The operation of these ether reactions causes wave-like field gradients (also called spatial concentration patterns) to emerge and form the observable quantum level structures and physical phenomena (electromagnetic waves and subatomic particles with mass, charge, spin, and force field effects.)

Like the Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction, a chemical reaction first discovered in 1958 that slowly moving concentration fronts called chemical waves, or reaction-diffusion waves, can be discerned when a dye indicator is added to the solution.

Sub-quantum kinetics was inspired from a reaction kinetic model known as the Brusselator. This two-variable model holds the distinction in the field of reaction-kinetics of being an prototypical reaction-kinetic oscillator comparable to the simple harmonic oscillator. The simplest reaction system known to produce wave patterns that have defined wave-length properties. “To arrive at a model that produces a physically realistic simulation of quantum structures, the Brusselator must be modified into the three variable reaction system known as Model G. Hence in proposing Model G as a descriptor of the sub quantum processes that generate physical order, sub-quantum kinetics takes concepts that have been developed in the well-established field of nonlinear chemical kinetics and applies them to the domain of micro physics.”(LaViolette, Sub Quantum Kinetics (a nontechnical summary)).

It conceives subatomic particles to be Turing wave patterns that self-organize within a sub-quantum medium that functions as an open reaction-diffusion system.

Twelve A Priori Predictions of Sub Quantum Kinetics that were Subsequently Verified 1) The prediction that the electric field in the core of a nucleon should be configured as a radially periodic Turing wave pattern of progressively declining amplitude, and that a charged nucleon should have a Turing wave pattern whose core electric potential is biased relative to the background electric potential (LaV, 1985b, 2008b). 2) The prediction that the universe is cosmologically stationary and that photons passing through intergalactic regions of space should progressively decrease their energy, that is, that photons should continually undergo a tired-light red shift effect (LaV, 1985c, 1986). 3) The prediction that photons traveling within galaxies should progressively increase their energy, that is, blue shift their wavelengths, and consequently that the luminosity of planets and red dwarf stars should be due to energy being spontaneously generated in their interiors (LaV, 1985c, 1992). 4) The prediction that the luminosity of brown dwarf stars should be due to the photon blue shifting effect described in (3) (LaV, 1985c, 1996, 2010). 5) The anticipation of the Pioneer effect; the prediction that a spacecraft maser signal transponded through interplanetary space should be observed to blue shift its wavelength at a rate of about one part in 1018 per second (LaV, 1985c, 2005). 6) The prediction that blue super giant stars rather than red giant stars should be the precursors of supernova explosions (1985c, 1995). 7) The prediction that galactic core emissions should come from uncollapsed matter-creating stellar masses (Mother stars), rather than from matter-accreting black holes (LaV, 1985c). 8) The prediction that stars in the vicinity of the Galactic center should be massive blue supergiant stars as opposed to low mass red dwarf stars (LaV, 1985c). 9) The prediction that galaxies should progressively grow in size with the passage of time proceeding from compact types such as dwarf ellipticals and compact spirals to mature spirals and giant ellipticals (LaV, 1985c, 1994). 10) The prediction that a monopolar electron discharge should produce a longitudinal electric potential wave accompanied by a matter repelling gravity potential component (LaV, 1985b, 1994). 11) The prediction that the speed of the superluminal gravity wave component of a monopolar electron discharge should depend on the potential gradient of the discharge (LaV, 2003, 2010). 12) The prediction that inertial mass should decrease with a rise of G potential or with an increase in negative potential, and should increase with the reverse polarity (LaV, 1985b).

After reviewing the entirety of Dr,LaViolette’s work, I decided it was necessary to summarize all his work in this essay as best I can in layman terms. Then to proceed straight into the predictions and confirmations of the sub-quantum kinetics and super-wave theories. Then the major issues s

In The Gateway of the Sun in Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco), Bolivia. Carved from a single massive block of andesite stone, the Gateway is 2.8 meters high and 3.8 meters wide. The opening in the gate is 1.4 meters wide which revers the sun’s path on the equinoxes, right in the middle of the gate signifying great importance, took time, care, and effort to put this megalith exactly proportional to the stars signifies a deeper understanding of the cosmos than we have today. Either way the vernal equinox which just so happens to be the date I was born yet I’m not totally sure that something beyond me is propelling me towards continuing the work of Dr. LaViolette with an ethic and vigor similar to his on the most productive days of his work. Dr. LaViolette was also very interested in the ancient wisdom of indigenous cultures of old such as the Maya, Inca, Hopi, Egyptians, and much more. That’s what led him to his conclusion about science encoded in ancient wisdom and decoded in myths and spiritual traditions passed down since almost beyond antiquity lies advanced science, knowledge or wisdom that led to an ancient high class of society or supernatural forces to build megalithic strictures build so exactly aligned to the stars as if they had a satellite or view from space of the earth to make such precise alignments on a megalithic and atomic scale. To summarize Paul’s work on this topic would require a paper in and of itself, but the list takes up quite a bit. Below is a list from the Starburst Website listing accolades and accomplishments to honor Dr. LaViolette in his recent passing Dec 2022.

“Paul also had many accomplishments in Archaeo-astronomy, Mythology and Esoteric Lore. His findings opened a new doorway to the interpretation of our ancient past. Aided by his background in general systems theory and physics, he was able to successfully decipher the lost science said to be encoded in the lore of the Tarot and astrology. He found that the first 11 major arcana of the Tarot and the 12 signs of the zodiac both use symbolic metaphor to present an advanced science of matter and energy creation. He has shown that the systems-genesis concepts they encode were discovered by modern science only in the last 40 years. He was also the first to discover that this same advanced creation science is metaphorically encoded in certain ancient creation myths from various parts of the world:

* Egypt: the myth of Atum, the passion of Osiris;

* Greece: the Olympian creation myth, Plato’s story of Atlantis, the myth of Castor & Pollux;

* Near East: the Babylonian creation myth about Marduk and Tiamat, the Sumerian creation myth about An and Ki, the Phoenician myth about Adonis and Aphrodite;

* India: the Vishnu creation myth;

* New Zealand: the story of Rangi and Pappa;

* China: the I Ching.

Also he discovered the scientific significance of ancient Egyptian symbols such as the ankh, djed pillar, tyet, and aker sphinx; and of the Hindu symbol of Shiva Nataraja. He also found new evidence embedded in an ancient Egyptian text that supports the belief that ancient Magi performed initiation rites into the Osirian mysteries by entering an underground labyrinth symbolically accessed through the breast of the Sphinx.? Furthermore, in the area of archeology and archaeoastronomy, Dr. LaViolette was the first to discover and decode a scientifically advanced time-capsule message concealed in the lore of the zodiac and which utilizes a cryptographic key-and-check mechanism to facilitate cross-cultural transmission of its encoded knowledge. He found that this cipher describes the Galactic and solar cause of the legendary global catastrophe that decimated civilization at the end of the last ice age and that gave rise to numerous myths about the darkening of the luminaries, burning of the Earth, and occurrence of a great flood.? He discovered that the cipher related how an intense volley of cosmic rays, explosively emitted from the center of our Galaxy, had bombarded our solar system and pushed in light occluding particles of cosmic dust.? This ancient scientific record inspired him to carry out an extensive program of interdisciplinary Ph.D. research to search for corroborating evidence.? His findings were later published in refereed scientific journals.? As such, Paul LaViolette may be the first to have conducted doctoral research for the purpose of checking out the validity of scientific information conveyed by a prehistoric time-capsule message.

He was the first to decipher the 14,000 B.C. date encoded in the Scorpius-Sagittarius zodiac constellations and in the Dendera ceiling zodiac.? Also he was the first to work out the significance of the 10,750 B.C. date encoded in the Giza pyramid complex, the Beth-Alpha Synagogue mosaic, and in the ancient Greek myth of Astraea.? His work provided new understandings of the ancient Minoan bull-leaping ritual, the Pleiadean rites, and the significance of myths connected with the Orion constellation.? In addition, he provided new insights about the constellations of Scorpius, Sagittarius, Sagitta, Centaurus, and Taurus.? He was also the first to decipher the astronomical significance of the South American Indian Barasana cosmology which refers to cataclysms caused by the Galactic center.? Furthermore, he has elucidated the astronomical and geological significances of:

* the Hopi legend of the Blue Star,

* the ancient Egyptian myths about the punishing Eye of Atum-Re, the vengeful Eye of Horus, Horus’ nearly fatal scorpion sting, and the battle between Horus and Set,

* the ancient Greek myth of Phaethon and the Sun Chariot and Plato’s story of Atlantis,

* the Mayan Popul Vuh creation myth about the Heart of Heaven,

* the Nordic legend of Ragnarok about the death riders of Muspell and the Sun-swallowing Fenris Wolf

* the Yurucare Indian conflagration legend, and many others. “


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