"New Age of data & AI #2: Ethical AI ? The Double-Edged Sword of Generative AI – Unlocking Creativity or Unleashing Disaster?"
#Generative_AI is a branch of AI that focuses on creating models and algorithms capable of generating data, images, videos, music, and even text. These models are fed with training data and trained to generate new data that resembles the original data. The most well-known examples of generative AI are generative adversarial networks (#GANs) and autoregressive language models (such as #GPT). Generative AI has the potential to create new art, produce creative advertising content, and enable scientific breakthroughs. However, it also poses challenges in terms of #ethics and #responsibility. One of the most important concerns is the ability of AI to produce biased or discriminatory results. This can be particularly concerning when it comes to generative language models that can produce offensive, misleading, or defamatory content.
It's essential that AI and generative AI is developed and used in a responsible manner. This means taking into account the ethical and social implications and designing models that are fair, equitable, and inclusive. It is also important to consider the environmental impacts of that, as generative AI models can be very computationally and energy-intensive (impact of #ESG). Based on the last report of #IPCC we are responsible, including AI community about how and why we will use AI and computing needed for training models: https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/
Responsible AI is an approach to integrate ethical #principles into all stages of the AI lifecycle, from design to implementation and use. The principles of responsible AI include transparency, accountability, non-discrimination, privacy, security, and sustainability. By integrating these principles into the design and use of generative AI, we can ensure that these models are developed and used in a responsible and ethical manner. However, the unethical use of generative AI can have severe consequences. For instance, the spread of misinformation, creation of harmful content, perpetuation of bias, and development of autonomous weapons can all arise from the unethical use of generative AI. Such disasters can cause significant damage to individuals, institutions, and society at large.
Statistics show that the investment in AI has been on a steady rise in recent years. Global spending on AI systems is expected to reach?$154bn?in 2023, according to a new forecast by IDC. The majority of this spending is focused on developing deep learning technologies, including generative AI. The potential applications of generative AI in various fields, such as advertising, music, art, and medicine, make it an attractive area for investment. However, it is crucial that the investment in generative AI is accompanied by responsible development and use of these models. Governments, organizations, and the AI/DataScience community must work together to create and enforce ethical guidelines and regulations that prevent the unethical use of generative AI. This can help to ensure that the benefits of generative AI are realized without causing harm to individuals or society. The initiative of Europe about AI act is on the good way, but no sense if juste Europe deploy it !?
Generative AI has the potential to transform many fields. However, it must be developed and used responsibly. It's important to see to onboard a professional team with an ethical guidelines and regulations.