The "New" Age of (Beverage) Discovery!
Mark Norman
Lifetime Wine Lover, mostly retired wine professional. Future Centenarian living a focused life! Experimenting in nutritional farming for the purpose of living a healthy lifestyle, fulfilling a vision and a passion!
Discovering "hidden gem" beverages are a key driving force that will lead Fermented Lifestyle to uncover the best for our passionate members!
The original "Age of Discovery" went from the end of the 15th century to the 18th century, was an informal and loosely defined period marking the time in which extensive overseas exploration emerged as a powerful factor in culture and the beginning of globalization.
Over the last 10 to 15 years there has been an explosion of new wineries, distilleries, and craft (micro) breweries all across the US. There are now nearly 10,000 wineries (7,500 to 8,000 new ones since the year 2000)...according to experts there are thousands of distilleries in operation with many more in the works and there are nearly 7,000 micro breweries. Our culture today is being defined by a strong desire on the part of busy affluent consumers to participate in deeply personal experiences that satisfy their passions.
How does someone find these businesses...which are the good ones...what kinds of products are they does someone try them?
Fermented Lifestyle has begun working with a number of organizations to shift through all of this to find the "hidden gems"...come join us on a voyage of discovery...and oh yes...there are as many or more popping up around the world...and we are working with experts to find those for our members too!