

September 11, 2001. The world changed that fateful morning when terrorists used commercial airliners as weapons of mass destruction and flew them into the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, DC. A fourth plane was meant to be used in another attack, but the brave men and women on that flight took matters into their own hands; sadly, the plane went down in a field in Shanksville, PA. I will certainly never forget the day, especially the wide range of emotions so many felt.

But that’s not what I want to talk about right now. I want to talk about something that’s become far more important these days.

I want to talk about September 12th, 2001.

Do you remember September 12? More importantly, do you remember how you felt that day? The anger. The determination. The hurt. But do you remember the feeling of unity? Wholeness as a country. Togetherness as citizens of the United States of America.

Forgive me in advance if this comes out incorrectly, but while we must #NeverForget those lost on 9/11, what we desperately NEED to remember is how WE THE PEOPLE returned to our feet, stood tall, stood proud, united as Americans.

We weren’t Democrats. We weren’t Republicans. We weren’t conservatives, liberals, social justice warriors, fascists, cucks, bigots, racists, victims, oppressed, etc. We were simply AMERICANS. We weren’t screaming to #DefundThePolice, we were thanking and praising the brave men and women who risked EVERYTHING to rescue people trapped in the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, DC…and we thanked all first responders for their service.

The stars and stripes PROUDLY lined the streets, was displayed in businesses, and worn as pins on the lapels of sport jackets. We vowed to unleash the fury of American Resolve on those responsible for the attacks, and we assured the world that we – UNITED – are no one to mess with.

That was 19 years ago. Where has that America gone? Where is the United States who’s citizens were ready and willing to stand arm-in-arm with one another and do anything to defend our country, our freedoms, and our way of life? I can’t find it.

Today we fight with our neighbors. We lose friends over political beliefs. We argue with co-workers. We argue with our own families. We tear each other down whenever we sense blood in the water, or when an opinion or belief doesn’t exactly coincide with our own. Social media allows us to post false narratives for all to see, and we post it in hopes of fanning the flames of hatred engulfing our nation. Divisiveness is spread from sea to shining sea – in our homes, our workplaces, in our city streets, and promoted – dare I say encouraged – gleefully on our mainstream media broadcasts.

Old Glory – the Stars and Strips – OUR flag has somehow morphed into a symbol of hatred and oppression. Statues and monuments are being torn down, defaced, or destroyed across our land – statues and monuments, mind you, that remind us all of a part of our history that we must never again return to. We have black clad and mask wearing agitators in cities across America enticing violence, shouting down anyone that doesn’t subscribe to their beliefs, and encouraging anyone and everyone to resist. We have others promising to fight against, disrupt, and even topple our democracy that has made our country the light of hope in the world.

Today, police aren’t thanked. They are vilified for the horrific and unlawful actions of a few. Today, police are tried and convicted in the court of public opinion not for any criminal activity – they are tried and convicted in the hateful, vengeful court of public opinion simply for being a cop.

Can’t we act like we did 19 years and one day ago?

Can we put the aforementioned labels aside – Democrat, Republican, Black, White, Straight, Gay, Conservative, Liberal, Man, Woman – and simply be AMERICANS, who are united?

Nineteen years pass, and the enemy isn’t hijacking airliners and using them as missiles. The enemy is now wearing masks and causing violence in our streets calling themselves ANTIFA or hijacking social justice protests in the name of BLM. The enemy is shooting up city blocks in gang and drug related turf wars. The enemy is assaulting police officers simply because they are wearing the uniform. The enemy is propping up criminals who terrorize our cities and take innocent lives and portraying them as victims…sometimes even heroes. The enemy is allowing our veterans to go homeless, to starve, and to receive horrendous healthcare while giving so much to those who enter our country illegally. The enemy is holding rallies claiming racial superiority over fellow citizens who happen to have a different skin color. The enemy is now using the power of their elected office to create “us” vs. “them” with divisive rhetoric at rallies, in pressers, and on social media. The enemy is using the power of their elected office to do anything and everything to overturn the results of an election that didn’t go the way they anticipated. The enemy is using the power of their elected office to destroy our democracy and our economic system.

Nineteen years pass and our biggest enemy is in plain sight…our biggest enemy is OURSELVES.

So how do we today go back to the unity this country felt 19 years ago? How do we turn back the greatest enemy (again, OURSELVES) this country has ever faced?

Let’s start today with #NeverForget.

Then let’s fight with everything we have to get back to how WE THE PEOPLE felt on September 12th.

God Bless you and yours, and May God Bless these United States of America.


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