Never too much!
Chief Bob Vásquez
Wisdom Seeker, Igniter, Storyteller, Author, Speaker, Founder at PowerPact Leadership!
Last week, I sent an email to a colleague that included one word. At the end of the day, I received a reply to that email. My note read, “Thanks!” The reply read, “This was the kindest word I received all day!”
In many of my talks, I show a video that ends with two words, “Thank you!” I always remind the audience that we don’t use those two words often enough, that we CAN’T say thanks too much. I read a book once that said saying “thank you” too often was a bad management technique. I agree. Management is about controlling things and saying thank you to things is crazy so managers shouldn’t do that. Leading, on the other hand, is about empowering people. And there is INCREDIBLE power in saying thanks! People will give you much much more when you’re grateful!
Nieves, my first granddaughter, was five when we were leaving a restaurant one day. Being a character and leadership teacher, I’d taught Nieves the basics of what character is about and how to practice it. As we exited the building, she held the doors open for some folks who were entering. They walked right past her. You know how a five-year-old can be really loud when she’s not supposed to? She looks back at me and in her outside voice announces, “Opa, those people didn’t say thank you! They don’t have character!” The culprits turned around and immediately started thanking Nieves. TOO LATE! They’d already failed the test, in Nieves’ eyes. As we walked out to the car, Nieves asked me, in all sincerity, “Opa, why don’t people say thank you?” I’m seldom speechless, but I was. I didn’t know. Still don’t. I was brought up, and tried bringing Nieves up, saying thank you when someone does kind.?
My first thought every morning is, “Thank you!” I’m so grateful for another day, for my family and the people whom I serve, for this country I live in, for all that I have, and more. I thank the Creator first, then I go about my day. Even the Creator appreciates a word of thanks!
We can never thank people enough! For what they do or, more importantly, for who they are. I encourage you to do it as often as you can. Maybe what the cynics who think you CAN be too grateful are saying is that we should express our gratitude for specific behaviors. I suppose saying thanks in general can lose its power, but thanking people for specific behaviors won’t. In fact, it will encourage the recurrence of that behavior. And maybe empower the person to be grateful as well.
I don’t know what your day holds for you but there’s a high probability that someone will do something that deserves a “thanks.” Don’t hesitate. Thank them for that specific thing they did. It may make their day!
THANK YOU for reading my thoughts. And THANK YOU for being YOU!
Until next time,?
You ARE!
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