For never was a story of more woe,
than this of HAPPA Juliet and Romeo
Horses and Ponies Protection Association

For never was a story of more woe, than this of HAPPA Juliet and Romeo

With Horses and Ponies Protection Association’s (HAPPA) intervention two poor souls named Romeo and Juliet have found love and a stable future just in time for Valentine’s Day.

?Juliet’s story is one of sorrow. After a report of concern for her, due to being tethered on a tight rope with an infected eye, the Charity’s equine inspectors were faced with a sad situation. Juliet was found running loose with another pony, it was clear to see that she had forced herself free from the tether through sheer force. This poor mare was clearly distressed and needed immediate veterinary attention for the infected eye and her poor condition.

?Juliet’s owner was nowhere to be found; therefore, she needed to be taken to safety by HAPPA via the Control of Horses Act. Juliet was admitted for veterinary treatment on her eye as a matter of urgency. It was established that her eye had dried out and sunken into the socket due to the lasting damage from an untreated eye injury. Thanks to a course of antibiotics and pain killers, the eye is now stable in the socket, she won’t need an operation to remove it, although she has lost all sight in the damaged eye.

Juliet when Rescued

?Romeo’s story in contrast is evidence of how the Charity came to the aid of a family in need of desperate help. Under extremely sad circumstances, Romeo’s loving owner passed away from a terminal illness and could no longer care for him. Romeo had undergone kissing spines surgery with his previous owner and was under rehabilitation, putting him up for sale would not have been the best for his welfare.

?The deceased’s family, with no equestrian experience, were left to care for him. After a call for help, HAPPA came to Romeo’s aid offering a stable to complete his rehabilitation and recuperation before assessing his future under the Charity’s care. His rehabilitation and associated veterinary care will be of substantial cost to the Charity.

?Rachel Smith, HAPPA’s Equine Manager, says of Romeo and Juliet, “It is unimaginable the trauma that Juliet has been through, and at just three years old. No one has the right to treat an animal in this way. Her sight in one eye has been lost due to neglect and lack of treatment, the lasting effects of what has happened to her is evident, she is extremely head shy (hesitant to be touched around her head). The equine care team will work to build her confidence and help her through the journey of recovery from the trauma.
?Romeo will be given the best chance of recovery and a bespoke rehabilitation plan under veterinary advice. We will carry on his late owner’s great work diagnosing and treating kissing spines. With a sweet and kind temperament Romeo had begun napping and bucking whilst being ridden, this was out of character for him. After veterinary investigations mild kissing spines was diagnosed, his previous owner then funded the operation. This worked well but when Romeo needed his owner the most she was diagnosed with a terminal illness and could no longer give him the care he needed, we stepped in and safeguarded Romeo’s future.”

?Romeo and Juliet’s story highlights how HAPPA intervene in many ways when horses are in need. Ensuring every horse is given a second chance of a brighter future. Whether recovering from trauma physically and or mentally, HAPPA is a safety net for horses that need them the most.

?The associated veterinary costs for both horses will be funded by the Charity costing over two thousand pounds HAPPA are appealing for support to continue this vital work.

?Become part of their mission of Giving a Second Chance to Horses just like Romeo and Juliet ?


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