NEVER Stop your Campaigns
This is a public service announcement for all the people that either don’t run any cold email campaigns at all or to those that are being flooded with leads and think about stopping the campaigns for a small while:
Stopping your campaigns is a cardinal sin. It’s about the worst move you can make. The only thing worse than that is literally not running a campaign at all.
The reason for that is lag.?
Everything takes ages in B2B. Most of the inputs for your business usually bear their fruits at least 3 months later. Simply because of the reason that your potential customers need time to make a decision. This time period is called “sales cycle” and usually in B2B settings, this takes multiple months.?
The reason this is an important metric to track is the following:
Your cold email is that first touchpoint that starts a sales cycle.
So, the moment you send an email to your prospect, it’ll take multiple months to close the deal.
Let’s say that for your specific case, it takes 1000 cold emails to sign one client. You are looking to scale quickly so you decide to send out 10000 emails per month to sign 10 clients.
If your sales cycle is 3 months long, it’ll obviously take you a literal 3 months to sign these clients from the first month of sending.?
Again: If you send 10k emails to sign 10 clients, it means that you’ll get this first batch of clients only after 3 months of follow up, prep of sales assets and meetings.
Let’s say 3 months passed by, you now got 10 deals across the line. You now have more than enough business to handle. At this point, usually two things happen.
“I’ll now stop these campaigns because I don’t want to leave any prospects hanging. I’ll first hire more staff and if I want more clients, I’ll just fire up those campaigns and they’ll bring me new business. Great!”
Well… not so great. Unfortunately it’s not that simple.
While your campaigns are paused, two things happen:
Now because you have to come up with a new combination of audience, script and offer, you’ll need additional time to solve that equation. And only after you have solved this conundrum will you be sending emails at the same success-rate as before
-> 10k emails to sign 10 clients
This process will cost you a LOT of time and money because you are essentially starting fresh.
Add on top of that your sales cycle of 3 months of follow up, preparation and sending of sales assets and meetings.
(btw: sales cycles usually are way longer than 3 months in B2B settings)
The only way to avoid this humongous time-waste is by not stopping your campaigns at all. Actually you should do the complete opposite. You should optimize your campaigns by running split-tests on a weekly basis with new offers, scripts and audiences.
Always sharpen your tools to stay competitive in your target market’s inbox.
By doing this, you’ll be able to reduce your lag to your sales cycle and your sales cycle alone. Never needing to start fresh with new scripts and campaigns.?
And to regulate your inflow of leads, you’ll regulate sending speeds:
Need more leads in about 3 months? -> Increase sending speed today
Need less leads in about 3 months? -> Decrease sending speed today
This will also show you instantly if your approach currently works by analyzing your response rates.
It’s very interesting to see this in real life. Because it’s actually how this stuff works.
And if you currently are not sure how to run cold emails in the exact way I’ve described, I’d recommend you do one of two things:
The choice is yours Neo.
Talk soon,