Never stop learning
Wednesday 1/22/20...
When I used to work out in a gym, I would walk on an incline while reading for a half-hour. It was a great way to crush books.
When I used o commute to work, I'd listen to podcasts along the way. Another half-hour each way.
Working from home has made it hard for me to keep up with these activities which served as a massive educational resource for me. But lately, I've found myself watching more and more TED talks.
I haven't had to schedule them into the fabric of my routine to carve out time for them, I just find myself watching them here and there.
Last night, I watched 3 back-to-back that I found incredibly fascinating. There was a lot that I took away from watching these videos, but also so much more that I missed. I plan on watching these each multiple times. Especially as I go through the process of implementing the advice.
The first, You are contagious with Venessa Van Edwards discusses how as humans, we communicate with so much more than words. That our gestures, body language, facial expressions, and tone can have an impact on how engaging we are as we tell our story.
As someone who is constantly talking with and meeting new people, there was a lot to take away from here, but it also led me directly to the next - 10 ways to have a better conversation with Celeste Headlee.
Again, way too much here to take away with a single playthrough, but she gives a lot of great advice on how to be a better listener and how much of what we've traditionally been taught actually holds us back.
More great advice for someone who sits in his home office and talks to people on the phone all day.
Then, that led me to Increase your self-awareness with one simple fix with Tasha Eurich, which with me writing in this journal every day is clearly a focus of mine.
She talked about how many people take the wrong approach to self-reflection which can actually do more harm than good. That rather than ask WHY something happened that you should ask WHAT else you could have done.
A lot of what these women spoke about really resonated with me personally. I'm going to take what I've learned and start applying it today, but plan to watch them again as there's so much more in these videos.
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This is an entry from my personal daily journal and a snapshot of what it's like building my company, SIX3MEDIA. I started publishing these entries to hone my writing skills, reflect on my progress, and share my experiences first-hand.
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Thanks for reading, see ya tomorrow : )
- Dan