Never Stop Learning
Adam Stott
Founder - Big Business Events | Business Growth Programs | Coach | Speaker | Best-Selling Author I Business Columnist
Business owners and entrepreneurs are people that face many challenges in their businesses and personal lives daily. Juggling business and their personal time is always a struggle. Add in time to still learn and develop, then it seems to become a monumental task. Today I am going to share why adopting a philosophy of "never stop learning" is one of the best things you can do for your business and your life.
Sometimes when starting your business you only have one skill set and it may just be sales. Now although sales are very important for any business, business does just not consist of sales. You need a skill set that encompasses many facets of your business. A skill set in marketing, a skill set in finances, a skill set in management, a skill set in leadership, plus a skill set in setting up systems, processes and all those kind of things is what is needed. Most business owners do not even have half of these skill sets when starting their businesses. This is why you need to remain in a state of continuous learning.
The opportunity to learn new skills may come from an active effort on your part to learn something new but it could also come from developing the skill as a result of something you need in your business to move you forward. Like, starting to learn how to use social media marketing effectively for your business. There are so many lessons that can be learnt from this process alone.
Learn from using Social Media Marketing
Right now, social media marketing is where it's at.
- It's the cheapest place where you can get leads.
- It's the cheapest place where you can get your message out.
- It's the cheapest place for you to generate value for your business.
If you as a business owner are stuck, then social media marketing is the way to get you unstuck.
You can literally build campaigns that target exactly the type of people that you want to target. You can do that on an ongoing basis and you can have new leads every single day for your business.
Imagine for a moment whatever situation you are in right now, if you doubled the amount of leads you got into your business. You might be getting 5 leads, you might be getting 10 leads a day, whatever it might be, imagine if you doubled those leads, what would that do to your sales?
What would that do to your results?
What would that do to your income?
What would that do to your bank statement if you got those extra leads, how would that impact your business?
So, have you thought about that for a minute? Now think about that result and what it would mean for you. Just to give you a practical example of what can happen when you stay in a state of continuous learning.
Say you attended a highly recommended course on Social Media and implemented what you learnt into your business immediately. You could potentially explode your orders by 105 orders the following day after the course. This means that the learning was successful and you may be wondering "What's next? What else can I learn about Social Media? What can I do next?". That's exactly the type of mentality you need to cultivate. What you need to avoid however, is to think that now that you have had one success, you know it all and need nothing further.
Well, nothing is further from the truth. Become committed to improvement. Become committed to discovering what's next. Don't become the person that believes now that they have made some money, they need nothing further, they need no more help.
Always be thinking, "What's next to help me get to the next level? What's next to help me get the next result?".
The difference between those two people is that one is going to continue to grow, continue to get great results; where the other, is going to stagnate and going to stop growing. They are not going to get the results and they are going to become frustrated.
When you are in that position, where you have learnt new skills and everything is going well - you're killing it - that's actually one of the most dangerous places you can be in. Become aware. It really is a dangerous place. You may be lulled into believing that you don't need any help or advice and that kind of thinking will land up with you making mistakes and big ones at that. Just keep on learning, getting the right advice and growing yourself and your business equally.
You've always got to be learning, always got to be improving - you've always got to be moving forward. If you are not moving forward, you know you are standing still or you are moving backwards. We all need to choose the path forward to really make sure we get better results.
Even though you may get to the point where you can say "I've sold 50 million pounds worth of products on Facebook", that doesn't give you the freedom to stop learning, if anything it should be the impetus to drive you to become even better. Keep in mind, in today's business and digital environment, things are changing daily and you need to remain at the top of your game.
The only way to do that is by studying harder than most people. You need to commit to studying harder than the people that are studying hard because you know things are changing. You want to know all about the next best thing. You want to be able to teach the next best thing. Always strive to learn and improve.
When you can get that into your mentality, and as a great part of your business acumen - that's how you are going to grow, that's how you are going to get better results and that's how you are going to start killing it in business.
So commit to never stop learning, to continuous improvement so that you may achieve everything you set out to do in business and in life.
Until next time,