Never Send A Human To Do A Machines Job
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7 ways Dynamic Content Optimization will Elevate your digital marketing
If you run regular sales campaigns or buy media in multiple markets, chances are you could save good money (and headaches) by reading this.
Three things tend to happen when you produce digital assets at scale:
1) You need more assets than there's capacity to produce
2) Somewhere along the line, someone will make a mistake
3) You're stuck with what you've got and can't adapt according to performance
Add the fact that many sales campaigns have a short shelf life and you’d be right in asking: “Is this really worth it?” and “isn’t there a better option?”.
Answer: A) No it’s not and B) Yes there is.
And it’s not shipping the bulk work abroad for a quick and cheap turnaround (as anyone who’s received 268 misspelled assets will testify to). It’s Dynamic Creative Optimization, which we happen to be experts at.
What’s DCO?
The elevator pitch: Rather than manually producing and exporting each ad, based on guess-work, we build a "machine" that assembles all the design elements and ships them to the right audience in realtime.
It's an ideal solution for digital advertising at scale, cross-market brand consistency and anyone with a webshop. Want to know the benefits? Read on.
7 ways Dynamic Content Optimization will Elevate your digital marketing
1. Hyper-personalize?your creatives
Tailor each ad to individual users based on their preferences, behaviors, and demographics, creating a highly personalized experience that resonates with the target audience.
2. Eliminate guess-work. Optimize for actual results.
No one, no matter the seniority, knows what creatives will actually work. By feeding the algorithm more possibilities, you have a higher chance of matching message and audience. And instant updates to channel allows you to tweak and tune your creatives accordingly, without exporting and sending new ad sets.
3. Safeguard brand identity across all channels.
When design is centralized, the risk of human error is reduced to a minimum. Your brand will look like your brand, everywhere.
4. More time creating, less time producing.
DCO solves the time-consuming equation of “market X channel X format”, which frees up time for creative thinking. Design once, produce infinitely.
5. Smarter distribution through event triggers
Think of the times when your product or brand is most relevant. Now imagine ad-sets going live the second that situation occurs. We could do that.
6. Increased conversion rates and ROI
Combining all of the above drives more conversions and maximizes return on investment. This isn’t a given. It’s just something we’ve observed with... well, all our clients.
7. Less hassle + enhanced efficiency = Increased cost-effectiveness
Automating the creative process saves time and resources, eliminating the manual labor of creating multiple versions of ads for different segments.