Never Mind The Work Culture! - How Politeness, Civility and Kind Greetings Contribute to a Positive Daily Life Culture
Lynne Williams
Compassionate, kind healthcare professional & published author with a broad range of experience in life coaching, clinical governance, human factors and learning from success. Open to interesting new opportunities.
As a life coach now, and in my previous roles in healthcare and human performance, I have come across clients who complain about the work culture in their workplaces. They often feel overwhelmed, stressed out or undervalued. While work culture is certainly a very important factor in shaping our experience and success at work, today I want to discuss another key element that often gets overlooked - the importance of basic greetings and politeness in creating a positive daily life culture.
We live in a busy, digital world where everything is on the go. It can be easy to get caught up in our own head space and forget about those around us. However, one simple gesture can have a big impact on our day and those around us - a friendly greeting. Saying "Good morning," "How are you?" or "How was your weekend?" to colleagues, family, acquaintances and (dare I suggest it) strangers!! can go a long way in creating a positive life culture.
The act of greeting someone with a smile and some small talk shows that we care about them. They feel noticed, valued, and appreciated. It helps to create a sense of community and belonging that promotes overall happiness and well-being. On the other hand, giving the impression that we are too busy to acknowledge others, or that we don't care about them can create a negative atmosphere. It can leave people feeling isolated disconnected and unmotivated. So, how can we integrate politeness and basic greetings into our daily routine? Firstly, it's all about being present and aware of those around us. Instead of burying our heads in our phones, we can take a moment to look up and acknowledge others with a smile or a nod. Secondly, it's about making an effort to engage in small talk. Ask someone how their day is going or how their family is doing. It is an act of kindness that can help to build relationships and improve our connections with others.
While I completely agree that a positive work culture is essential, it is vital to remember that basic greetings and politeness can contribute significantly to creating a positive life culture. It helps to promote a sense of community and belonging, which ultimately contributes to overall happiness and well-being. So, let us all make an effort to lift our eyes from our phones, greet others, be polite and spread kindness wherever we go. Remember, small gestures can have a big impact xx