Never Lose Your Child Self
No matter how old or weak your body becomes, keep your child self alive, intact and free. Remain fiercely curious and inspired by the beauty and folly of it all.
Few things are more discouraging than seeing the spark of genuine curiosity and wonder snuffed out in a child.
Others will try to shake you of your child self too — if they haven’t already — including teachers, employers, friends and family. Or just the daily grind.
Guard this precious gift as if your life depends on it.
The joy of encouragement is in the smile of the recipient. Share your inspiration and awe of beautiful things with others.
We cannot Encourage enough.
We cannot Inspire enough.
We cannot Give enough.
We cannot Love enough.
But we can try.
“Don’t die with your music still inside you. Listen to your intuitive inner voice and find what passion stirs your soul. Listen to that inner voice, and don’t get to the end of your life and say, ‘What if my whole life has been wrong?’” ~ Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
If we keep our child self alive, we won’t die with our music still inside us. Share this gift with others, as often as possible, and hardly a day will pass that you ever ask, “What went wrong?”
Instead, you might find yourself asking more courageous questions like, “What more could I have done?” and “What more can I do right now?”
Note: Photo above: My sister and me growing up on Cat Island in the out-island Bahamas. This post is dedicated to my children, Morgan and Jon, the ones who remind me to never lose that child self — my MoJo.
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