Never knowingly understood. 3. Fried days for the weakened.
Welcome back to this chain of random links exploring the abstractions of life...
As the weekend approaches and our resolve is weakened on yet another Fried day, it might be a right and proper time to try and uncover the secrets of lies.
If it is true that there is much misinformation here on Linked In and on social and not so social media channels, how might we get to the expose the fallacies and free the truth?
For instance, did you know that Gargoyle is a contraction of Gargled oil?
Backstory: When all teeth were black, the blackest teeth were the most greatly prized, so the dental practitioners of the day charged vast sums for their oil mouthwashes.
This was before Snapchat but after Stonemasons, so, as luck would have it, the act of gargling oil was captured forever and cast in stone, which is why, even today, we can look upon the faces of the rich and famous gargling in perpetuity as they gaze down upon us from on high.
Poor folk at that time did not have access to the unctuous black liquid, so they would gargle with mud and watered-down slurry, but their teeth were never as glossy or as black as those of their oily overlords.
Beauty trends change and will the digital photographic revolution and the urge to propagate and share as many selfies as time permits what we crave now is rows upon rows of gleaming white teeth.
Gnashing the pearly whites is the new gargoyling.
On the muck spreading front – is the above tale facterial or anti-facterial?
Don’t be cowed. The truth is out there, and we can milk it, so let’s create a Tip Top Traffic Light System before publication and potential propagation of speculation without portfolio.
Full fact – GREEN – Factual and good to GO
Semi-scammed – AMBER – Partly factual - WAIT
Scammed – RED – Not factual in any way - STOP
"Most people don’t care if you’re telling them the truth or if you’re telling them a lie, as long as they’re entertained by it. You find that out really fast" — Tom Waits
I am Bic and I am Laszlo Biro
I am Dylan and I am Joan Miro
I am Billie Holiday and I am Jamie Foxx
I am Ernst Chain and I am Brian Cox
I am absolutely right and I’m never ever wrong
I am absolutely feeble and I’m never ever strong
I am absolutely perfect and I’m never ever bad
I am absolutely ecstatic and I’m never ever sad
An absolute pack of lies and I’m lying through my teeth
“She lied then and she lies still now” will be writ upon my wreath
From ‘The thoughts of charwoman Mar’ ? 2011 Marlene Greenhalgh.