They Will Never Know What it is Like to Fly if They Never Jump
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, but what if you’re already dead? Let us think deeper…cast aside what you know about pain and disregard your impulse to focus on what you know, or the external world. Are you defined by circumstance? Think about it… is what has happened or what will be rewarded enough to define you? If your unattached answer (separate the ego, your insecurity, your fear and your pain) is no, then what? The answer is your internal world and the answer is meaning, the definition you emotionally, logically and abstractly placed onto life’s happenings. You decide what matters. If this is the case, then without your decision subtract meaning and then there is no life to have been lived at all. Without meaning, you are only matter or the body sack that shows the world that you have a heart, but does it have a beat? To live without meaning is a contradiction in terms and the rhetoric around you will not suffice because the contract to live was always signed at birth and therefore you must jump, for you will never know what it is like to fly if you never do. The pain in landing is the preemptive to meaning, so jump.