Never Give Up
Shandra Thomas
Administrative Analyst who help upper level management in banking, proofreading, and insurance reduce administrative cost and paperwork by streamlining administrative support processes.
Never give up. No matter what's going on in your world we need to get down on our knees and ask God for guidance and wisdom. Find a prayer partner or play worship music to ease the hurtful spirit. I'm currently listening to a Facebook Live and she is mentioning the bible scriptures stating "Humble Yourself and Pray." That's exactly what we need to do. We need to humble ourselves and pray every single day. In short, never give up because God is working on your behalf. Write positive affirmations about yourself, furthermore, quote bible scripture over yourself.
Also, when you are in the bad mood, please don't take it out on everyone else because they are fighting battles that you don't even know about. Pray, Pray, Pray!! When you feel like giving up. If you have to cry then go ahead and cry. If you have to scream then by all means go ahead and scream; that's all a part of the grieving process. Never give up. Never ever give up on your hopes, dreams, and God-given destiny. Today your friend Shandra Thomas is here to pray for whatever you need, just leave a comment below whenever you get an opportunity!