Never forget what the hurt taught you
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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That you will never get your time back, and regret is a hard thing to live with. I always find myself thinking about how different my life might be if I’d get the chance to get to start my life over with all the knowledge I’ve come to muster up throughout my years. Would my life be perfect with just that advice? Of course not. We always find some other thing to complain about when the first thing is taken care of. But I do think starting life with the mindset of not wasting a single second of life is a good way to start.
When I was a bit younger I was so angry with myself, and the world, and I didn’t want anything to do with life anymore. I was so filled with regret and anger and sadness that I let the beauty of life slip away. When I finally got ahold of my senses, I realized how much time I wasted while I was in that pit of negativity, and how many opportunities I let slip past me because I was so caught up in myself. These days, I try my hardest to live my life in the present, I think I’ve wasted a lot of time being sad when I could have been happy. And it kind of sucks.
Live your life without regrets, and do what makes you happy. Experience the parts of the world that make you the happiest and blur out the rest. It’s not worth your time. will never get your time back, and regret is a hard thing to live with. Netflix released a 3-part documentary about Bill Gates. The man is fascinating for many reasons. His habit and the way he thinks. His journey to globalizing office software, building one of the world’s biggest companies, becoming its richest man and, now, leading its largest foundation. But I think the best reason to find Bill Gates interesting is this:
Throughout the series, an interviewer keeps asking Bill common questions in quick succession. “What’s your favorite food?” “What’s your favorite animal?” You know, the usual. But then, suddenly, the interviewer will throw in an uncommon question. Maybe, it’s to throw him off guard and get an honest answer. Maybe, they just made it look that way. Regardless, at one point, the interviewer asks: “What was the worst day in your life?”Bill squints. He looks down. He’s thinking, but not really. He knows what he has to say, but he doesn’t want to say it. No one would. “The day my mother died.”
There it is. A man who achieved literally everything there could possibly be to achieve in this world. And what did he say? The day his mother died. He didn’t say “the day Steve accused me of stealing from him.” He didn’t say “the day someone threw a cake in my face and the whole world saw it.” He didn’t say “the day we had to pay $1.3 billion for anticompetitive behaviour.” He said, “the day my mother died.”
No matter who you are in this world, no matter who you aspire to be or how big your dreams…at the end of the day, life is not about money, or status, or power. It’s about people. The people you meet. The people you miss. The people you hate. Most of all, it’s about the people you love. Some of them will die before you do. Nothing will ever bring them back.We all have limited time. But when it comes to spending it with those we hold dearest, we might have even less.Today, Bill Gates reminded me of this fact. I think we should never forget it.
Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Put his statues first in your life. It's Windex to a dirty window. Cruelty can come when least expected and from the least expected person or persons. Love is no good unless unconditional. Love, in general, without expectation. Set personal boundaries early in life. People naturally respect a person who has clear boundaries. It makes their life easier. High standards, eventually, create disappointment. Create a well, thought out balance. Stick with it.
True friends are worth their weight in gold. Neighbours can be a safety net, in time of need. Love your neighbor. Tolerate their faults and weaknesses. Marriage is for earth only. There is no marriage relationships in heaven. However the bloodline remains steadfast. Don't be quick to anger. Angry people are foolish. They waste your time. Anger is also contagious. Honoring your mother and father does not mean you have to love them. Your children may turn on you but it's OK. They'll miss you when you're gone. Apologize to your children for all the parental mistakes you made.
We were not perfect parents. You owe them. It will help them be better parents. Brothers and sisters we're made for the day of adversity. Remember that when a sibling calls. In marriage you have to learn to overlook a lot. However, do not overlook everything. You are not made to be a doormat. Set the tone early. State clearly, what you can and cannot tolerate. Make decisions you can live with and stand in them.When you are angry, speak quietly and slowly. It will cause people to sit up and pay attention and you will not have an ask her hangover. Cheers!