Never forget. Again.
Alan Hardwick
Producer, Publisher, Composer, and Artist Manager at Crazy Good Records, a division of Alan Hardwick Productions. Saxophonist with a P.I. license.
Never forget, but more than that: Always remember. Something about us almost requires forgetting past pain in order to move forward, as the future so quickly becomes the present. So though we as people, as a culture, may tend to forget, there is great value to carry the beauty of what rises from our pile of ashes into our everyday breath. Today, September 20th, each year since his death, I remember Mark as my best friend. He was joyful, happy, innovative, and strong. He was brave, from the last call he had with his wife Cheryl that night, to the very last words he uttered about her to Rob Berrier. Even now, remembering the beauty of Mark forces some of the pain right back at me. And while I’d never prescribe that pain or that event to anyone, ever, it is in fact part of who I am, part of what made so many of us who we are today. Remembering him requires me to address that pain, and to choose yet again to accept it.
Honoring Mark Stall is a privilege. Remember that. The Boise Police Department has done so well to make sure we remember. - 482