Never follow the crowd; instead, stand out and be a pioneer.
Richard Mumbi MCIPS, MZIPS

Never follow the crowd; instead, stand out and be a pioneer.

In my few years of professional experience, I've learned the value of teamwork and professional relationships, or networking. However, I've also realized and appreciated that teamwork and professional connections aren't about competition. We are often inclined to compete with our colleagues in the workplace and professions, which is not always beneficial to our careers and professional success. I've securely learned that we're our own competitors.

Every human being is born to serve a specific purpose in life; our assignments may be similar, but they are not identical. We can all be in the same profession, but we will never address the same problems; we can all have the same qualifications, but not necessarily the same competencies. This is why one person may not be the best fit for a specific business but may be the best fit for another in the same position. By not following the crowd but instead standing out and being trendsetters, we make a challenge for ourselves, which becomes our competition.

"We are all created to achieve a specific purpose and assignment in life which no one else can - this is the more reason you have to be your own competition."

The big question is; "how can never follow the crowd; instead, stand out and be a pioneer".

  1. Do not wait for other to do something but always be the first one: One of the most hazardous and poisonous attitudes towards one's job is the belief that someone else will do it when one can always do it themselves. The majority of tasks that cause people to fall behind are those that they avoid because they believe others will do it for them. In my experience as a business and procurement expert, I have learned and benefited greatly from presenting myself as a go-to person; I have always sought for ways to offer value to the teams I work with and be the first to contribute to giving a solution. This has earned me a lot of favors and offered up many opportunities.
  2. Do not look to impress anyone but be motivate do the right thing: In most circumstances, those who are trying to impress others are unaware of their obligations, which require them to do the correct thing and contribute to the overall organizational needs. I'm not saying that working to impress isn't desirable, but it should never come at the expense of doing the right thing and telling the truth. Sometimes standing out needs you to do the unfamiliar things that people may not like, but they must be done and they are correct.
  3. Stay in your lane and be committed assist when required to do so: The art of minding our own business is something we must learn and cherish. Never walk into someone else's work unsolicited. Always be willing to lend a helpful hand when needed, but do not interfere with other people's tasks until they specifically request it. This may appear to be a conflict with the first principle, but it is not. We must know our bounds and stay in our lane. This will allow you to focus more on your job and avoid unneeded disputes with others, while also earning the respect and trust of your team members.
  4. Always give feedback in a timely manner: Feedback and good communication cannot be overstated; effective communicators are frequently exceptional individuals. Giving feedback is not just supposed to be done when everything is okay, but must be delivered even in cases where things are not okay, where the news may not merry the ears of those receiving it.

Finally, let us all strive to excel in all of our tasks and duties. Be a trendsetter.


Richard Mumbi, MSc, BA (Hon), MCIPS, MZIPS, Adv Dip.的更多文章

