Never experience a bad DEF code Again!
Its 6AM, you get a call from your foreman. New Excavator is down! Fault code on the DEF! What is it with this Pig Pi$$?
The world has changed, equipment has changed. Heck you used to be able to put any oil, diesel in equipment and it would run all day. Now they equipment is more temperamental than a Millennial! If you even look at it cross-haired it will throw a fault code of some sort!
I know, I just resigned from a CAT dealer. Every OEM is experiencing issues with DEF and contamination. If you cannot guarantee your company/fleet has eliminated ALL refilling mistakes and you have had ZERO incidents from dirt in the DEF tank, than you need a DEFBooty!
What is a DEFBooty? The most Simple, Economical, Effective means to prevent refilling mistakes (like the wrong fluid in the wrong tank) as well as the silent killer Dirt in the DEF tank! Each time you open the DEF tank contamination is falling in! Don't think so? Check out this video from inside a DEF tank.
It proves that over time dirt and dust is getting in. Combined that with the fact there is NO sub-micron or high particulate filtration on DEF systems. What you end up with is premature replacement of the catalyst (a $15,000 hit to your bottom line that is NOT covered by ANY warranty).
So again, can you guarantee your fleet will never have an issue from refilling mistakes or DEF contamination? If the answer is NO, then the DEFBooty is your solution!