Never ever think I have nothing!
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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It’s completely a matter of fact what you feel about yourself. Be Intuitively & physically strong however just being so and allowing yourself to be in the moment allows you to surrender to the serenity always attempting to be. Destroying it through distraction because one is afraid to be still prevents you from healing from all stresses & letting your most positive qualities emerge.
From my personal experience regular meditation will help acclimatize yourself to this state. To really get to the heart of the issue & accelerate all positive progress, regular and/or daily meditation will heal you on the deepest levels & assist you in accessing your strengths most directly & quickly. Lying or sitting down relax all the muscles of your face down to your toes & repeat until you are in a flat even place. Stare into the void & notice any thoughts that come up & let them go, concentrating on staring into the void.
Eventually your eyes will flutter open & then physically move slowly coming out of it This works especially well if you make a fervent prayer to whatever higher power you are drawn to beforehand for healing. Also before you go to bed so your unconscious can open up to the healing you request in your question & deepen it during sleep.
There is a funny Poem with the title: 'Nothing Thinking' Had to think about that title sorry about that, I was thinking that today my experiences at work in my head all my own responsibility all my own reactions no judgement on what anyone else did or didn't do, Was like when you lit the wrong end of a cigarette Not many smokers left, But all of us we do have it one time or another lit the wrong end, the filter end Ruins the smoke even if you break it off and smoke a plain, You can still taste the filter you burnt that's what today was like, that's what it felt like that's what I was thinking about It's the mix up the mistake the problem, Not the fact that you wrecked a cigarette but that just that days gone wrong little things go bad small things break apart big problems seem to show up on a day like today In a moment where I was thinking about nothing That's what I was thinking That today as an experience tasted like lighting the wrong end of a cigarette
When I think of nothing I am not thinking at all. I am completely open and receptive. The universe thinks for me. Every voice and event, every movement and scenery all reaches out and speaks to me. I become everything as if there is no separation between me and all of existence and God speaks to me through everything. Is it all in my head? And, some people have gone far out of their way to interrupt me, talk to me and tell me their deepest secrets as if we have known each other our whole lives but we never met.
But we haven’t even said hi yet and at the end of the conversation they have a confused look, the last person shook his head like he snapped out of it after he spoke to me for over 30 minutes and he said “I’m sorry I have no idea what made me tell you all that”. When you want to hear from God and won’t give up on hearing from him, he’ll take control of the world around you to speak to you.
I just stay in the moment focused on what is in front of me with only my left logical/positive brain engaged, this prevents and right brain anxiety based thought popping up. But I can manually select brain hemispheres which is handy so I do not have to focus on what is in front of me I can just shift the focus of my consciousness and energy regulator to the left a few inches, it seems many can feel their consciousness already but they have not learned to control it. Stay blessed! #kishoreshintre #possessedbywritingspirit #ks1000articles #proudtobeindian