Never enough hours in the day? Read this!
Dr Beatrix Henkel
Co-creating a healthier planet with others / Transformation / Vision / Investments / Values / Hemp / Coaching / System development
You know it is 24 hours a day but planning for 25 is just so much easier and so often done. This way of thinking you might have realized already leads you to more things to do, more people to meet and more events to attend plus your family life. The list is just endless.
Be careful! Your choices write your reality.
If you don't pay attention to small signs, you will definitely bump into a big crush with time. 'How can I pay attention to small signs if there are just so many things to do?' - you might ask. Rightly so. What if the question itself needs some rephrasing? Let me share with you a few pointers to help you slow down in order for you to accomplish a lot more. It might also help you come up with a better question to explore.
First things first, what matters the most. What are the most important things in your life? Write them down and rearrange the order if needed. Make sure it is a complete list and in the order of importance (according to your own criteria) before you move to the next phase.
Now when you are ready, see how your day is. Does it reflect well those important things in that order that you wrote them in? If you put family first, does it represent quality time you spend with them? If not, without blame, shame or judgment you can ask yourself how you can create more time for you to be with your family. Asking the questions is enough at this stage. Answers will come later and that's okay.
Final and third phase is what can be the most challenging: letting go. Letting go of controlling every part of your day, letting go of believing that you need to carry all the burden and heaviness of creating a life that you so much desire and letting go of negative emotions that can come up on the way.
Because when you are letting go, you are allowing other energies to enter your life.
When you are letting go of judgment, you are welcoming appreciation.
When you are letting go of anxiety, you are welcoming patience.
When you are letting go of rush, you are welcoming peace.
The list goes on, but what remains to be important is your choice and your deep inner knowing of what truly matters the most in your life.
Now, how would you rephrase the question we asked at the beginning?
Love & Peace,
Beatrix is sending you these messages in form of a newsletter to serve your growth so that you can start and/or continue your journey of self-development. You can connect with her for a private conversation of transformation or start co-creating and embarking on a joint adventure together. Her details and how to get in touch is on her website: