Never Enough
Ariel Serber
Advocate for financial empowerment, literacy, and independence. Advisory solutions and problem solving for businesses; risk management, business planning, building brand equity, capital raising and more.
What we each have is never enough. That's our blessing and our curse wrapped up in one sophisticated, beautiful, mysterious, sometimes awful and sometimes kind, selfish, giving, utterly thoughtless and overly thoughtful paradoxes we each are.
As humans we are a collection of much more than flesh and bone. We are the feelings and thoughts and desires and wants that accumulate and compound over time. We are not ai, or robots, or rational decision making creatures making the optimal economic and financial decisions at all times.
We don't want just what we each have; there's always more. Someone else with more. Our neighbor, our competition, strangers on the feeds we scroll through other people's 'best' lives...
No matter what people have, it's never enough. Even if, by all comparisons we can imagine, many people today are wealthier than at any other stage in history. People's account sizes changed but people don't change. As human being we have the desire to get more, have more. As our reality changes, our expectations change; and what we see around us changes. In the physical and digital world we see others with more and that drives many of us to want what we do not it's never enough.
Feelings drive actions, actions drive outcomes and results. How we handle our emotions, thoughts, and feelings around our situations, our financial pictures, our reality, and our perception of reality will determine the quality of life we live. Context and content matter. What we each think matters. What we do with those thoughts, how they turn into routines and behaviors and habits becomes the story we live out. Make it a good one.
Secure the bag.