The Never-Ending Search
You see a rabbit run across a field and jump into a borrow, you walk away, and as you walk along you are reminded of another rabbit you know, which checks it’s pocket watch and jumps into a well as it is being followed by a girl.
You see a group of cats meowing around an old man, you are reminded of the other old man who talks to the cats around him in search of another Cat.
To the aspiring writers, one of the biggest questions they ask and have asked to established authors is ‘Where do you find the inspiration?’ And more or less often, the answer from those authors is same - ‘They just come to us, we don’t always go searching for them.’
And in consideration of whatever little experience I have gathered in writing, it is indeed true. Inspiration does not come to you if you go searching for it, it will come on its own. And if a story inspiration is forced into your ideas, then for most of the times, it will end tragically, for the author, and the story....Read More