Never burdened
Robert Dean Steel
Minister at Cornerstone Community Church and Radio Personality at AM 930 the Light in Edmonton. Author & Musician
December 6 – Never burdened - Gal 5:1
Paul cries out to us to today that we should never again be burdened or allow ourselves to be yoked again to some form of slavery. Christ has come to set us free. You could be yoke to cigarettes, gossip, booze, sex or even another person. Paul says throw off the shackles that bind you. Christ has come to set us free. There is freedom in Christ. We can be set free from any vice or problem if we abide in Christ.
The world has all kinds of philosophies and self help programs to try to break the yokes of bondage. None of these will ever truly work. Christ is the only one who can truly set a person free. Christ came to give man a new nature so that his old nature could be overcome. Remember that it is the old sin nature that causes us to stumble and fall. Life through the new nature and the Spirit can give you the freedom that you are searching for. Let Christ and the Spirit do the work in you today.
You also have a part to play in this. Your will, can keep you free. You can say no to the old nature with it’s bondage. You can say Yes, to Christ and the new nature and truly be free. The choice is yours.