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Coalition for Gun Control Legislation and Measures


Coalition Against the NRA

These groups were inspired by events taking place immediately after the recent Parkland, FL shootings, especially the protests led by the affected students and their families. A boycott of the National Rifle Association is needed because they are a formidable obstacle to sensible gun control legislation in the country.

We believe we must move now to address the grave problem of too many guns in too many hands and too many military weapons in civilian hands. Thus, the basic objective of the group is advocacy of sensible gun control measures in the country and the boycott NRA is a means to that end.

The group is adamantly against any kind of violence, or any kind of incitement towards violence of any type. We're calling for the repeal of the Dickey Amendment, which prohibits federal funding from going towards studies that promote or advocate gun control research. The group is against repealing the Second Amendment, and we're not tolerant of partisan politics for the sake of politics. Discussions of any partisan politics must be strictly limited to gun control issues.

We welcome all who share our philosophy and want to work towards our mutual goals. We must do everything possible to lessen the grip the NRA has on our state and federal legislators.

4 hrs

The group desires sensible gun control laws in the country and believes that there is now an impetus to reform . However, the Congress will only budge, if and when, the public demand action. At the minimum sensible gun control legislation should include the following measures:

1. Ban on sale of assault weapons/semiautomatic weapon. These weapons can fire rounds twice, three times as fast as a handgun. Today this is the primary demand from gun-control advocates.

2. No purchases of guns under age 21.

3. A ban on “bump stocks,” a device that enables semi-automatic weapons to fire faster. It can make a legal semiautomatic weapon fire more like an illegal fully automatic gun. This proposal has the most bipartisan support of all gun-control measures. 

4. Improve the federal background-check system to block gun sales to people having a history of mental-health problems. The most recent change to background checks came in 1993, when Congress instituted a federal background-check system. But gun-control advocates say that system leaves much to be desired. It's understaffed and underfunded, and there are ways to get around it by buying a gun at largely unregulated gun shows or online. 

Gun-control advocates' No. 1 priority is to pass a law requiring any gun purchaser to undergo a comprehensive background check. Right now, people who buy guns at gun shows and online don't have to go through a background check.

5. Short courses for gun owners in the use and safety of the weapons to be conducted by the local police authority. 

6. Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GVRO), in which law enforcement agencies, families and household members can quickly remove firearms from individuals deemed unstable or unfit to own them.


Sohail Mahmood, PhD的更多文章

