?never again to my people ?never again to any people
Maria Badal Bernabeu ??
I bring more Humanity & more Profits to your Organisation | Diversity & Inclusion | Human Rights | Multilingual Communication | Marketing | Social Anthropology
Why is our empathy selective? Do all lives really matter??
We identify with those closer to us, by their culture, ethnic origin, beliefs, looks. Many reasons. There is “us”, and then there are “others”. It is understandable up to some extent. However, Western media has played a key part in the construction of that collective idea of "others", the usual "bad ones". Those who don't deserve to be treated like human beings, put it simply. Over decades they have built a strong negative image of many groups, especially Arabs, so when they are being attacked, we think that it is their fate to die. In films, who tend to be the terrorists? We (Western society) are heavily brainwashed and led to feel sympathy only for some, and don’t care about others. Simple. I remember that in one of the latest companies where I worked, the CEO (US national), quickly sent?messages regretting the situation of Ukraine, announcing part of the profit to be sent to victims, and even offering psychological support to employees as those were days of lots of stress. What about the losses and stress now? Of course no donations, and you can be fined or even imprisoned for using the Palestinian flag. Nonsense. It is worth remembering a sadly memorable quote of a journalist during?the conflict between Russia and Ukraine: “Ukraine isn’t a place, like Iraq or Afghanistan, that has seen conflict raging for decades. This is a?civilized, European city, one where you wouldn’t expect that, or hope that it’s going to happen”. Or many other racist comments from other journalists saying "they have blue eyes, watch Netflix, they are like us". Again that?idea of "us" and the "others". Some deserve to live, we let others die. These days a very tragic episode of history is being written and we need to be clear. Enough of rhetorics and tricky explanations to justify what cannot be justified. Anyone with a heart should feel empathy for the Palestinian people. They are being exterminated. A child is killed every 15 minutes. And even so, they keep being dehumanised by the media. Who owns mainstream media? Who controls the narrative? the same ones that have just vetoed a UN peace resolution (proposed by Brazil, a country far away from Gaza but committed with peace worldwide) to cease fire and end this massacre, and instead are sending billions of dollars in weapons to Israel. This cannot be justified under the name of democracy, there is no democracy here. Only the interests of some, whatever the human cost may be. UN watchers and endless organizations have been calling for an urgent ceasefire again and again. This is not a conflict, this is not a war, language matters: this is a US funded genocide, an ethnic cleansing that the Western world is supporting. These days we are seeing examples of celebrities posting messages in support of peace and Palestine, and are being forced to delete them, football players threatened for doing the same and much more. And we are confirming that the US -and Europe- will not allow justice and peace. If you raise your voice and position on the side of the oppressed, you are punished. But what is more important? Where is our humanity? Let's always remember this could happen to everyone.
Many of us are seeing lots of unbearable videos and images of heavily injured children in Gaza, doctors crying desperately. Some are saying they cannot watch them, it is too painful, but imagine the pain for those living under that state of terror. In social media channels controlled by those who will tag you as antisemite for defending Palestine, we need to say enough is enough. Instagram is hiding pro-Palestine contents, and adds the word "terrorist" to famous Palestine influencers. Contents with "free Palestine" are being shadow banned, and many more examples of biased?coverage.?
14 days of attacks. Over 4000?people killed.?
1500 of them children.?
1500 of them children.?
1500 of them children.?
1500 of them children.? And counting.
Let's not normalize this. "Ah but Hamas, hold on"... the unproportionate response from Israel has no justification. This did not start on the 7th of October, the media only started the show then. Killings were taking place way before, around 75 years ago everything started. For those with a genuine interest in digging deeper on this - and I am not an expert in the subject but I do my best to research and contrast information- I would invite you to research about the Balfour declaration, the beginning of Hamas, find out that in Gaza there are Muslims and Christians, Zionism, learn that this is not a matter of "religious extremism", this goes back to colonial agreements by European?countries following the Nazi holocaust. There was a peaceful?coexistence between people from various religious beliefs before then. So there is a long and tragic history. And clear names responsible for allowing all this?back then, and today. Palestinians had the disgrace of being born in the territory. But we can still do our best to raise awareness and try to stop this horror. As long as you care about human rights, international law, justice and humanity... and don't have selective empathy.