The Dating Culture.
In this age of digital connections and swipe-based romance, it's easy to get sucked into the vortex of dating apps. But behind the shiny profiles and endless choices, there's a shadowy side (???? un c?té obscur).
The Cons (???? les contre) :
1. Desperation and Existential Crisis: Ever noticed how many people on dating apps seem like they're auditioning for The Young and the Restless? (???? Les Feux De L'Amour)
Emotional turmoil abounds, with users treating these platforms like a therapy session. Instead of seeking love, some are just looking for a distraction from their emotional problems.
2. Emotional Vulnerability: For those of us with hearts as soft as marshmallows, dating apps are a trap. RUN! *RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!
(????*sauve qui peut) It's way too easy to fall for someone's curated (???? soigné) profile, only to realize later that you're in too deep (???? tu t'es fait avoir). Cue the "I told you so" (???? prépare toi au "j'te l'avais dit'') from your best friend and your sister all united.
3. The Illusion of Beauty: Let's not kid ourselves (???? ne nous voilons pas la face)—dating apps are like the VIP section of a nightclub. Premium subscribers get access to the "beautiful people," while the rest of us are stuck with the least attractive people on Earth, and the most awkward (????louches) ones. It's like high school all over again but with more filters and less acne.
But wait, there's more!
The Pros (???? les pour) :?
1. Self-Discovery: Think of dating apps as a mirror for your soul. Sure, you might see some things you don't like, but it's all part of the journey to self-awareness. Plus, it's cheaper than therapy but it doesn't replace a real one though. You'll need it after anyway.
2. Ego Boost: Getting a match is like winning. Even if it's just a confidence boost and not a life partner, it's still a win. Friendly reminder, you're more than just a pretty face.
3. Cultural Exchange: Who says you have to stick to your backyard? (???? qui a dit que tu devais t'en tenir à ta ville ?) Dating apps let you connect with people from all over the world, opening doors to new languages, and cultures.
Well, after 48 hours of wearing my psychosociologist glasses by using a dating app and getting enough material to fill a comedy club, I'm retiring for good. So, let's cherish this moment together before it disappears into the annals of newsletter history. And hey, at least we all got a good laugh (???? on a bien ri) and a bit of English practice out of it, right?
Your Coach. ;)