Never be afraid to help others in need

Never be afraid to help others in need

My untrustworthy neighbour disabled Wi-Fi earlier than usual. Looking bored, I began flicking through the TV channels impatiently. Apart from noticing colour of walls and discovering a few Homo sapiens around, I caught my granny giggling. “What are you doing?” I asked, intrigued. “Ah, nothing,” she replied. “This secretive old lady is up to something,” I mumbled and sat beside her. I observed her for a while. Here's what she did:

She smiled. She sang. She called out random strangers. A few sincerely heard her stories. Some avoided her by citing urgent work as the reason. While others changed their route altogether. And yet, no matter what, she responded with her evergreen, unique and somewhat weird smile. That got me thinking. Despite the fact that she was not drenched in luxuries and comfort of the modern world, the old woman reflected peace and contentment.

For she hadn't tied her happiness to things, people or even goals. For she had seen enough, to realise that happiness is a journey and not the destination. For she was her own happiness. “Offline, you dead?”– her WhatsApp notification popped up. My untrustworthy neighbour, I told yeah I am, come over for my funeral. Just listen to them. You don't have to do anything.

You can't help everyone. It's not your job. You are not God, but you can pray for them, and send them love and light. They don't need to know. You just send good vibes. Energy is very powerful, and when you use it for good purposes you can do so much for others. And also, just listen to them. Don't give advice, just listen. People need to be heard. It's an empathy thing. When you are all about light, others are picking up that. And that is how you can help, just by existing.

You establish a relationship first, and you start small. Smile at people more often. Speak a word, if you can, that encourages them to smile back. It makes you comfortable together and willing to go beyond the simple pleasantries like this, because this is where it begins. When you know them better, listen to them. So many people don't. Help them to know that you hold them, and everything you hear, in respectful confidence. Never gossip. Never tear anyone down in their presence. People will trust you. They will gravitate toward you. They will open their hearts. Be mindful, for their well being and your own, and do not abuse this trust.

Now, they will trust you enough to say, or you may be able to see, what help is needed. When you know what this is, do what you can to help. Do only those things which they will allow you to do, and that you are able and willing to do. Always observe this rule. That's healthy for you. It assures that your help is also healthy for them. It is sometimes difficult to ask for and accept help. ( You know this yourself) Remember what it feels like. Treat them as you would want to be treated in such a vulnerable state.

This is just the start, but it is an excellent foundation to build upon. Once it is firmly established, you'll have very little trouble deciding what to do from here. You can easily do more and other good things on your own. And there will be at least one more person in the world who will tell others. The first person to make you realize that money is very important for happiness will always be someone very close to you.

Looks are very important to get attention. Even if you are the most intelligent or spiritual guy or girl you will stand last in the queue for desirability. If someone says something and then says "I am joking", he or she is always serious about that said thing. Lust comes earlier than love but no one wants to accept. There never exists a relationship without self interest. In short, each and everyone of us, for sure is selfish. Treat someone in good way. Smile when you talk. Be generous towards others. Get filled with compassion and love for people.

Share what you have (it can be money, gyan or anything). You better change yourself, it will help the society. Do not become bitter just because someone betrayed your trust, society needs you. I got goosebumps while listening to him. It was very inspiring. Very very inspiring and motivating. I made some notes from the talk. Here they are. Michael Phelps talk. He practiced for 365 days. 10 hours each day. Because he said that gave him 52 more days than everyone else. If you want something badly and you’re passionate enough, you can achieve anything. Anybody who said he cannot do something, encouraged him more and he took a printout and put it on his locker.

Focus on small things, improve little things because they end up making a massive difference at the end of the day. It’s a lot better being prepared than being unprepared. If becoming successful or working very hard was easy then everyone would do it, that’s why you have to do what others are not willing to do, what others are not willing to sacrifice or give. If you want to achieve something that nobody has achieved, you have to do things that nobody has ever done. In order to grow up, you have to be vulnerable, you have to change. I want to be as perfect as I can. Everyday look forward to continue to learn, to continue to grow. If you want to be really good at something, you have to devote your life. I remember every single loss I’ve had in life clearly but don’t have good memory of all my wins. Cheers!


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