Neutralizing and Breaking Down the CERN Large Hadron Collider Project.

Neutralizing and Breaking Down the CERN Large Hadron Collider Project.

Neutralizing and Breaking Down the CERN Large Hadron Collider Project. By Cathy Bilsky 4/1/24

Please join me in breaking this project down. We did it twice and need to do it again. This time let it be a permanent breakdown!

The crazy scientist's are at it again Please join me in doing some Divine mischief and break the Hadron Project down. You may send your creative intent through my big earth keeper crystal to amplify your works of good.

In the name of the presence of God, which I AM, through the magnetic power of the sacred fire vested in me and it is your will o Creator, I command:

I call to Michael the Archangel, Ganesha the remover of obstacles, all the cosmic beings and the Creator to cut all ties to the Hadron Collider Project to whoever is wanting this to work including all money investors. As we cut the ties to all involved, we call the violet flame thru all the cells, atoms, molecules, DNA of this machine to clean it up, now we reconnect it all to the Creator filling it all up with Divine Love. We command it to be neutral and no longer function.

We call to Ganesha to put many obstacles up to block them finding the God Particle or bring in any entity from any dimension into our timeline. For Ganesha to put up blocks around all the super computers so they cannot communicate by giving or receiving any info from CERN including the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking's existing supercomputers: Discoverer in Bulgaria, MeluXina in Luxembourg, Vega in Slovenia, and Karolin in Czechia. Including Three more EuroHPC supercomputers are underway: LEONARDO in Italy, Deucalion in Portugal, and MareNostrum 5 in Spain along with any D-Wave super computers.

If the CERN is causing the Mandala effect by causing the destruction of pieces of the universe, represented by quantum fields, every time they run the LHC resulting in the quantum fields shifting us to the closest Multiverse timeline, while our consciousness is not affected by it at all. Envision The Mandala effect being reversed.

See in your minds eye any attempt to change our enlightenment timeline fall apart. See our timeline being reset to a timeline of world enlightenment. Every time CERN tries to change our timeline let the blow back be it propels us farther into Divine world enlightenment.

Let any attempt CERN trys to create on the day of The Eclipse on April 8th a demonic multi-dimensional counter-force to this epic event of Divine enlightenment intervention. Fall apart. This is their hopeless attempt to negate the will, power and light of God during a time of immense global alchemy that they hope to disrupt and pervert. CANCELL CLEAR CANCELS CLEAR, CANCEL CLEAR all their evil plans

Lets cut all ties to the symbol of Shiva that is dancing the cosmic dance of death and destruction and the Hadron Project replacing Shiva with the symbol of Lakshmi the Goddess of Abundance. We ask Shiva to redirect her energy inward to the destruction of the Hadron Collider Project.

The Physicists at CERN claim they’ve discovered the characteristics of a “ghost like structure - an invisible entity - which can alter the paths of particles”. Let us cut ties with whatever or whomever this entity may have attached itself to. We send the violet flame thru this entity and chain it up with whatever rock, mineral or crystal that renders it powerless. Like kryptonite is to superman this entity can no longer manipulate particles of any kind. We tie and bind this entity and command that it is sent back to whatever dimension it came from. Let any star gates, time portals that are opening up for dark entities to enter be closed and sealed forever.

I call to Michael the Archangel to cut all ties to any black magician, secret societies, ET's, Bormann group, Jesuit’s, WEF, NASA, the committee of 300, the Illuminati, reptilian governments, militarizes ,scientists and any other being who has a God complex, that are trying to manipulate the Laws of Nature on the planet whether it is inside, on or around the earth, to stop manipulating particles and atoms thru the construction of the Large Hadron Project and/or satanic ritual energy misuse of any kind, if they choose to continue, I ask their Higher Self and Guardian angel to put them in positions of harmlessness. NOW.

We see all veils of protection around this project being removed NOW!

We see all veils of energy that is keeping the masses from giving this their attention be removed NOW!

We ask that all elementals that create the Hadron that is being asked to hurt or destroy any life (human or elemental) on any level, be commanded through the Sacred Triangle of Humans, Angels and Elementals to misfire, disintegrate,choose to malfunction, generally be harmless and take the path of Love.


We call to Michael to cut all ties to any machines and computers that are being used to do this including any Tesla - related machines . As we cut the ties we call the violet flame through these machines to clean them up, fill them up with Divine Love. As they recharge in God's energy we command them to break down and keep breaking down so they no longer function.

Let's all imagine many faulty electrical connections that will led to the rupture of a liquid helium enclosure, causing both a magnet quench and several tons of helium gas escaping with explosive force. The incident will result in damage to over 50 superconducting magnets and their mountings, and contamination of the vacuum pipes. See many electrical faulty connections between all 4,000magnets. This will close down the facility yet we want this done in a way no one is hurt nor harmed.

Let's imagine all 7 detectors working in disharmony and breaking down NOW!

Let's imagine the LHC Computing Grid ( which is an international collaborative project that consists of a grid-based computer network infrastructure initially connecting 140 computing centers in 35countries (over 170 in 36 countries as of 2012). It was designed byCERN to handle the significant volume of data produced by LHC experiments.) Breaking down and loosing all info and data. Let all info on the God particle be lost and/or made invisible so no longer can be used. Let there be many unforeseen LHC’s electrical glitchs causing many blackouts resulting in many shutdowns.

See the LHC collide with electrons and positrons and not the protons causing the LHC to slow down resulting in shut downs. The LHC does it with magnets so see these big, superconducting magnets loosing their strength limiting how much electrical currant goes thru the LHC .This will result in several magnets loosing their superconducting state (“quenched”). During a quench, the magnet warms up, which in turn warms and pressurizes the liquid helium that surrounds it.When an electrical glitch occurs; the mechanical stress exerted on different parts of the magnet can be quite strong.?

Imagine the magnets that quenched were the inner triplet magnets located to the left of Point 8 of the LHC, which play a crucial role in focusing the beams for the LHCb experiment.

See the quenches creating a helium leak in these magnets which will put a halt to regular LHC operations. In our minds eye let's envision the cryostats* of the triplet magnets near Point 8 partly covered in ice because small amounts of helium had escaped through a leak and filled the insulation vacuum. See the M2 bellows have many 1.6-mm-long cracks on it, which is the source of the helium leaks. Imagine acomplete warm-up of the affected LHC sector that cannot be avoided, and thus put an end to the whole LHC physics programme

Let their plasma and electric beams be hit with synchrotron radiation causing the beams to malfunction. See their AWAKE program crash and burn which would close all portals they opened up in Geneva and around the surrounding area.

We call to all the bugs, weasels,raccoons, birds, rats, fleas, termites, snakes, spiders, dust and mold to infest all Surface buildings that hold ancillary equipment such as compressors,ventilation equipment, control electronics and refrigeration plants as well as all buildings underground. As these elementals create homes they chew on all electrical wires , nest where it causes many shut downs causing everything to break down so the CERN ceases to function. Let the elementals remain invisible until their jobs are done and equipment stops working.

We call to the trees to join us in shutting CERN down. See trees falling on electrical lines causing many blackouts and shut downs.

We call to the higher selves of all the operators, scientists, techy's, all military and ET personnel connected to the Hadron Project, and we ask the Creator that if it is for their Highest Good they become reconnected to the Creator becoming awakened conscious spiritual beings then LET IT BE DONE!. As they reconnect to the creator they see the results of their actions and now refuse to hurt or harm.

For those that choose to keep this project going I ask their higher self to help them become dyslexic and short out as soon as they enter the work building as well as touch any equipment associated with large Hadron Collider Project. We also ask their Higher Selves to put them all in positions of harmlessness. Let them be guided to better jobs elsewhere.

If the tunnels are being used for the use of humanity then we ask that they are protected..if not then let them be damaged and destroyed.. Doing this in a way NO one will be hurt nor harmed. Closing CERN down for good.

As always not our will but Thy will be done oh Creator.


Logany Logan

Student - Lane Community College - Human Services: Addiction Studies, CPC

6 个月

real schizo hours



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