Neurotypical Spectrum Disorder

Neurotypical Spectrum Disorder

New evidence has brought to light a new widespread and chronic affliction that it is estimated affects anywhere from 70-90% of the population, groundbreaking new research suggests. This discovery has been assigned the name of NSD: Neurotypical Spectrum Disorder.

This is deeply concerning for the rest of the population who will be unable to avoid daily encounters and innumerous interactions and engagements with those that suffer from the disorder; and will likely be negatively impacted on a regular basis throughout the various areas of everyday life, causing emotional distress and existential turmoil.

The severity of the symptoms reside on a spectrum and presentations can vary, but here are the key traits of this condition:


  • Direct Communication Disorder: People with this detriment typically face the inability to say what they mean; despite there being an actual literal truth. This concept fosters a deep discomfort and is often avoided at all costs and even considered a pathology in NSD sufferers/communication styles; it is commonly comorbid with an irrational offense to truth or arbitrary details. This trait can often be exposed by the lack of genuine communication from those that suffer from the disorder, performing a kind of "ritualised dance" when encountering or greeting one another, falsely purporting to be interested in each other's welfare whilst wishing to be as far away from that person and having 0 interest in truth.? DCD exchanges make up a wider tapestry of duplicity in the NFD community, that can cause complex issues in the fabric of society.? DCD can be spotted when giving a genuine response to the question "how are you" that is not convenient to the sufferer, with disdain visible in the facial micro expressions they are unaware they illicit. ?
  • Irrational View of Being Questioned: Rather than welcoming the opportunity to add as much clarity and context as possible to give their audience maximum understanding potential, sufferers of NSD perceive interrogatory exchanges as an attack on authority/ego or, paradoxically, an undermining of their knowledgeability and/or competence. ?
  • Pathological Demand Compliance: This disorder includes the desire to be told what to think and to blindly follow direction or orders without any? questioning or deliberation of merit of authority or intention.? Colloquially referred to as "sheeple", sufferers of PDC lack critical thinking skills and some have argued for the removal of the criteria "critical" from that assessment. Societal levels of this disorder have led to an insistence that one system should fit for all people, and a blindness to variance in skills, abilities and optimum learning methodologies and efficacies. ?
  • Sensory Deficit Disorder: People with SDD are neurologically wired to filter what they see, hear and perceive.? Unable to hear small/far/irritating noises, they often require visual displays that are too bright and/or too busy in order to be able to register them and have lost the ability to fully read body language and micro expressions. ?
  • Pathological Justice Avoidance/Aversion: PJA's main trait is an inclination for sociopathy and an irrational aversion to justice/preference for ignoring reality in favour of a more comforting shared delusion based on denial.? NSD/PJA sufferers will place aspirations for money and wealth over people and/or connection with other people in direct contradiction to the established fact that humans are a social species that cannot survive without emotional and/or physical connection.? This pathology often leads to social isolation and paranoia by those that have allowed it to interfere with daily living to extremes (examples would include C-suite executives, politicians, social-media influencers) whilst paradoxically espousing and perpetuating a trope that "money cannot buy you happiness" ?
  • Diaforetikophobia: An irrational fear of the different/unsubstantiated.? Sufferers will seek to pathologise those that look/act/think differently as a fear/survival response, going to great lengths to exclude, barrier or isolate those with unfamiliar or subjectively unsubstantiated world views dissimilar from theirs alongside a proclivity for bullying and social isolation.? Pejoratives such as "weird" will be used to attach shame to victims of their intellectual status razor, applying labels such as "condition", "disorder" and "disabled". ?
  • Variable Morality Disorder: People with this condition will exist in a world of dichotomies, where they seek to be perceived one way, but exist entirely as another.? Typically, they will seek relationships that are transactional and often have an agenda to their communication in opposition to being genuinely inquisitive.? Their flexible values tend to bend directly towards what is suitable for them, leading to the cognitive dissonance of double-standards and hypocrisy, impacting their capacity for empathy. Sufferers of this disorder often adhere, and toxically insist everyone else adhere, to a made up rule book of perspective and behaviours about what is subjectively appropriate, without ever wishing to even consider codifying and distributing such a crucial document to other members of society.? This area of the pathology often leads to unexpected confusion, criticism and more dangerously, conflict arising from a double/triple/quadruple/societal-empathy issue ?
  • Self-flagellating Behaviours: Sufferers of NSD commonly exhibit bizarre behaviours of pointlessness and a formidable tolerance for boredom, often engaging in boring activities over interesting ones in a self-infliction of misery in an attempt to honour a desire for martyrdom that is totally unessential and irrelevant to the human experience.? They can be found sitting still for long periods of time (detrimenting their muscular-skeletal structure), focusing on banal topics without averting their focus to more interesting subjects and deliberately avoiding enjoyment. Incredibly, NSD affected people will perceive tedious and laborious tasks that disinterest them as some form of culturally benevolent philanthropy, asserting that such inane activities as "character-building", "honest" and "necessary".? [Note the oxymoron of one developing something unique such as character from engaging in non-unique activities]


Obviously, this is a discouraging and disconcerting development in human psychology and it's important that we raise awareness of this condition with haste and ensure that we can learn about their different ways so that non-NSD people might express compassion, if not pity for them.? Whilst the scale of the issue could be perceived as overwhelming, with education, direct communication (where applicable, no need to confuse those with NSD) and suitable accommodations for their illogical neuroses, I believe we can create a more incoherent but inclusive community that can celebrate the superficial delusions and irrational idiosyncrasies that bring more shallowness to our society.

Note: the surfacing rumours that NSD is related to vaccine administration is totally baseless and without merit; NSD is a genetic neurological disorder, exacerbated by development within a toxic and hypocritical society. Remember: NSD people did not choose to have their brains wired this way and there are exciting developments happening in the pharmaceutical space around medications previously considered only for recreational use.

We live in hope and please, try to remember to be kind to all.




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