Neurosymbolic Nerding Out
Brad Edwards
Platform and SecOps Architect | Full-Stack Dev | Ex-RCMP | MSc CS (AI) Student | OSS Maintainer | Leader Who Ships
The idea of thinking machines has always captivated me. In science fiction, studying robotics, taking AI courses in undergrad. There’s just something about the concept of intelligence and creating intelligence. As much as I love using AI techniques to solve problems, it’s really only when I’m connected to this idea of machine intelligence that my brain lights up.
I love the LLM research and applications that we’re hearing about every day, but when you dig into the nature of LLMs it starts to feel little sterile in terms of modeling full intelligence. Next token prediction is elegant, powerful, effective, and… Involves no reasoning at all. We are not going to get to intelligence on the back of the architectures behind today’s LLMs no matter how far they scale (whether that matters in a practical sense is a different question).
Clearly, this is a very basic observation. Because many of the leading AI researchers who got us to where we moved on into this direction years ago. So I started reading. And reading.
Brain fireworks. I’m in love.
Neurosymbolic AI
Depending on who you ask, neurosymbolic AI is decades old or an emerging field of research. Either way, it has a lot of momentum. The goal of the field is to bridge two approaches in AI to build systems that cover a broader spectrum of intelligence than any current systems can.
Good Old-Fashioned Artificial Intelligence, which reflects a lot of early approaches to AI (especially in language) is symbolic. It relies on explicit representations and rules-based systems to create intelligent behaviour. We get a lot of research in logic, ontologies, search algorithms and the like from GOFAI.
The work tended to be labour-intensive, needed a lot of hand-crafted rules, and was really an attempt to encode human knowledge and reasoning into computers. It has some advantages. The systems tend to be precise and interpretable. You can create reproducible results that you can understand, and that’s extremely valuable. After all, a lot of the criticisms of current deep learning systems is that they’re opaque.
The problem is, symbolic AI falls down the way central planning for economies falls down. It’s brittle, unforeseen edge cases are everywhere, generalization is difficult, and these systems don’t handle incomplete or ambiguous data well.?
Statistical AI
Breakthroughs in deep learning are all over the news and have brought us the GPTs of the world. These systems are statistical models of the data they are trained on. Deep neural networks optimize loss functions; statistical measures of how well a network’s output match the true data. These systems are amazing and powerful. Many can be trained without supervision, they identify salient features of data on their own, and the results they produce…. Well. Just check the news. But the failure modes of these models are just as newsworthy. They take nothing away from the power of deep learning or its utility. But they’re not quite the models of intelligence that many people, like myself, really want to see.
System 1 and System 2?
The psychologist Daniel Kahenman popularized two kinds of thinking: System 1 and System 2. Yan LeCun and others have been very clear. If deep neural networks are doing anything like reasoning at all, it’s strictly System 1. That’s not an intuitive judgement, either, the research bears this out. Deep neural networks are not doing symbolic reasoning (a little louder for the breathless folks in the back).?
System 1: Fast, Automatic Reasoning
System 2: Slow, Deliberative Reasoning
Somehow, humans do both. Though, if you watch the same YouTube channels my kids do, you might wonder if humans do any System 2 at all. But let’s be generous.
System 1 + 2?
Statistical models of intelligence like deep neural networks roughly equate to System 1 thinking. Symbolic models of intelligence roughly equate to System 2 thinking. The field of neurosymbolic AI is looking for ways to create intelligent systems with System 1 and System 2 capabilities. Call it the holy grail of machine intelligence, just one more next step in machine intelligence, call it J.A.R.V.I.S. Whatever it is, the promise is huge. Uniting the strengths of statistical and symbolic AI in a fully integrated way really could give us systems that learn on their own, truly reason, solve a wider range of problems, and do so in a way that is more interpretable and explainable to us. Or so the theory goes.
It's a great theory. Many of the biggest names in AI research seem to think so. And the more I read the more interested I get. The possibilities are exciting. But even more, it’s an intellectually exciting goal.
Taxonomy of Neurosymbolic AI Architectures
Henry Kautz created a taxonomy of neurosymbolic architectures to categorize different approaches to developing the systems. Artur D’Avila Garcez and Luís C. Lamb a great overview of the categories in Neurosymbolic AI: The 3rd Wave (great paper, worth a read):
Type 1: Standard Deep Learning
Type 2: Loosely-Coupled Hybrid Systems
Type 3: Task-Specific Hybrid Systems
Type 4: Tightly-Coupled Localist Systems
Type 5: Tightly-Coupled Distributed Systems
Type 6: Fully Integrated Systems
Who to Follow
Neurosymbolic AI is a rapidly growing field with many key researchers contributing to its development. Here are some of the key researchers in the field: