Neuroscience Workshop - Belief Systems
Belief System is a set of principles or precepts which together form the basis of a religion, philosophy, or moral code.
Belief System is the unseen force behind one’s behavior. In addition to other factors like nature, habits and ethnicity in addition to the communication styles, and reactions to any things that happen in life; belief system is one of the decisive intensities that affects any decision being make. Belief systems are a part of the conversation style. That acquired during people’s reaction, through news, reading, or any other discussion one is exposed to. All of these beliefs are interacting with one another, affecting one another, and together form a system.
Beliefs are interrelated with one another. A change in one belief will affect the system as a whole. A change in core belief, can potentially lead to the disruption of the system as a whole. If a set of beliefs changes, other parts of the system will have to readjust in order to rebuild the consistency of the system.
The ultimate goal of any belief system is a to ensure survival and the passing on heritage. Besides that, ultimate goal of achieving survival, there are also sub-goals of belief systems in different aspects of life. Beliefs around sexuality and dating behavior are meant to ensure the passing of an individual’s inheritable factor onto the next generation. Beliefs around effective decision-making, negotiation and business exist in order to help achieving a certain status in the social hierarchy. Beliefs around dealing with things like uncertainty and anxiety exist in order to help you maintain mental health and so on and so forth.
Intelligence and culture have developed as a way for human beings to evolve faster not on a physical level, but on a mental level. Cultural evolution happens much quicker than biological evolution. Belief systems have evolved as part of this development in order to ensure the survival of human beings.
The sub-goals of belief systems happen to ensure that one is capable of fulfilling certain needs that he/she have, whether that is related to fulfilling sexual desires, being secure, feeling loved, feeling a sense of belonging, or being able of developing one’s self-esteem.
Sudden disruptions of a belief system, however, have very strong effects on one’s sense of self and one’s emotional stability. If one is in a situation where he/she suddenly get exposed to very different thoughts and beliefs which really put his/her current belief system into question, he/she is likely to experience emotions such as anxiety, anger, confusion, shock and frustration.
Core beliefs are those which are at the very center of one’s sense of self. Those beliefs that are so central to who he/she is, that putting them into question would mean that he/she even start to question who he/she is at the core of his/her being.
When we are facing a situation where our belief system gets disrupted so strongly that we are facing very negative emotions for a long time, we tend to think that there is something wrong with us.