Neuroscience and Neural Pathways
Creating new neural pathways
Neurons are brain cells that play a key role in our functioning. Neurons form neural pathways.
We create new neural pathways when we engage in a new activity, that’s unfamiliar to our brain and our perception.
You can create new neural pathways by starting a new business, getting a new job, or doing something unfamiliar, something new. For example, you can start painting, singing, or playing a musical instrument if you haven’t done that before.
New neural pathways are formed even as you begin to think differently. If you used to think that wealth is bad, it’s unsafe and it belongs to a select few, by replacing these thoughts with “wealth is safe, it is easy to become wealthy” you can start changing your reality.
You create new neural pathways even when you return home using a different route or take a stroll in a new place. That’s why travel affects us in such a positive way: new people, new culture, food, lifestyle, absolutely everything is new.
You can not only create neural pathways but also strengthen them. By creating and strengthening your neural pathways, you think broader, make faster decisions and have more trust in yourself. The more neural pathways, the better our brain functions, and this in turn leads to improvements in our life. This has been backed by science. We strengthen our neural pathways with repetition.
Extracted from my book: The Co-Creation Formula