Through my own research I have happened upon this very interesting field that is sure to explode onto the world stage sometime soon.
This field is the brain-child (excuse the unintended pun) of Prof. Raja Parasuraman and others, but mainly ascribed to him as its main protagonist.
It is all so fascinating that I have been looking into EEG again to see how technology is advancing and particularly if there are possibilities to use wearables in workplace safety applications.
For businesses there are unbelievable options available but they will first have to navigate some heavy ethics issues before any of it can be put to use.
The theories are all out there. Someone just has to connect the dots, sooner than later.
I'll we watching the developments here closely.
Personally though I have decided to start using the technology myself and see where that takes me.
A Neuralink is not on the cards for me yet but I did invest in something small that is definately going to help me in my journey.