Neurodiversity @ IBM recent news

Neurodiversity @ IBM recent news

This article lists the most recent news articles regarding the ND@IBM program.

#autistic #autismatwork #ibm #diversityandinclusion #Neurodivergent #ND #30days_nd_ibm #diversityatwork #hiring #technology #BeEqual #inclusiveIBM #specialisterne

20th October - "The Future of the Workforce and Diversity at IBM".

This 4 minute article by Dmitri Stupak (IBM) and Warda Afzal outlines the trajectory of Neurodiversity employment within IBM in "The Future of the Workforce and Diversity at IBM"

“At IBM, every employee is valued and set up to thrive – not in spite of who they are but because of who they are,” she Warda.

They also review the Emb(race) pledges:

  • I pledge not to remain silent.
  • I pledge to better understand the Black experience.
  • I pledge to fully embrace race and ethnicity with empathy.
  • I pledge to demonstrate equality through action.
  • I pledge to create safe spaces to speak.
  • I pledge to be an upstander in every environment.
  • I pledge to become an ally.

14th October - Belinda Sheehan - Why Business Leaders should hire from these two diverse talent pools

ND Challenge - Overview - Sept - October 2020

In brief, I decided to set myself a 30 day challenge in Linkedin to post 30 past articles to summarize our current progress.

Sometimes you realize how far you have come by simply looking back. I used the following hashtag to track

Day 30+6

This is a final video including ND voice talent - I created this to celebrate the ND initiative within IBM and also the end of my 30 day challenge.

Here is the new video about ND@IBM updated with Ingrid Weiss, Autumn V. Samuel Castleman and Daniel Beall. So powerful. Thanks Natalia Lyckowski for your guidance.

The video discusses at a high level what it means to be Neurodivergent and how IBM is changing the outcomes for ND professionals so they too can #BeEqual.

Day 30+5

A link to this article.

Day 30+4 - How IBM and Wandering Warriors became inclusive leaders

Belinda Sheehan from #ND@IBM and Nick Wailes Professor, Deputy Dean and Director #AGSM - discuss how leaders can adopt a more inclusive mindset, unlock new perspectives.

This paper with Emma Lo Russo, CEO of #Digivizer includes an outline by Quentin MASSON, CEO at Wandering Warriors – regarding the value veterans can bring to corporate life.

"We need to think differently; organisations need to start looking at the way they hire, see if they can change the model they have": Belinda Sheehan, ANZ Manager of the Neurodiversity program at #IBM

Day 30+3 - How do I get a job in IBM - if I am neurodivergent

I am asked frequently "How do I get a job in IBM - if I am neurodivergent". I have provided some guidance in this article to navigate this road most travelled. SHARE this with your own network. We need to get the message out. AND engage your own HR department to initiate a program within your own enterprise.

Thanks to Natalia LyckowskiSamuel CastlemanBill Dusch, PhD and Lisa Daffy for listening to me.

Day 30+2 - Working with ADHD and Dyspraxia

As part of Inclusion Week, software developer intern Bimsara Pilapitiya was asked to share what it's like for him, living with two Neurodiverse conditions. (3 minute read)

"I have found that, wherever I am, there has always been a looming imposter syndrome following me around. " ~ Bimsara

Thanks for sharing Bimsara!

Day 30+1 - The business of... inclusive leadership

LISTEN to Belinda Sheehan from #IBM - one of our global ND@IBM leaders - who has put words into action for our Neurodivergent hiring efforts. Thanks Belinda.

"IBM has a long history of diversity and inclusion. In the past 22 years, I have seen huge changes, and more recently I have seen a change towards neurodiversity: recognising and respecting neurological differences such as autism, dyslexia, and ADHD. I'm also working with global leaders to expand our way of hiring neurodivergent people by partnering with Specialisterne. "

"This partnership allows IBM to assist and provide ongoing support of autistic people in the workforce and are best placed to understand their skill level and interests to look for roles suited to their aptitude and experience."

Day 30

 Listening to our ND team members is soo important. Listen to Sebastien La Duca, a student at CMU, as he discusses being #autistic with #IBMer Paul Austin.

My favourite bit is Paul being doused in ice'd by Sebastien. Find out why...

Day 29 of ND Challenge - Neurodiversity article in

WHY is #Neurodiversity important to #IBM? This short article (6 pages) outlines how Paul Austin and I kicked off this program with Specialisterne, how we are now accessing untapped, unseen potential, how being different is now an asset within IBM and introduces you to unique individuals like Dyllan Rafail and Ingrid Weiss.

You will learn how ND@IBM is lead with individuals like Yves Veulliet, IBM’s global disability and inclusion leader, and Diane Delaney, program manager for IBM’s global neurodiversity program. And how it's underpinned by a support group for neurodivergent employees which is critical for ND@IBM.

"People are starting to come out more as autistic, and this group provides a resource both for those on the spectrum and for those who work with them." — Paul Austin

Thankyou Lisa Daffy for taking the time to write this.

Day 28 of ND Challenge - Being Neurodivergent Video

"I collected my thoughts and created this 2 minute video to highlight the global Neurodiversity@IBM program and what it means to many.... I am a proud #IBMer and very proud to be part of this initiative" ~ Andrew Williams

Day 27 of ND Challenge - A parent's Perspective

 Robert Weiss gives a unique Parents perspective on the Neurodiversity@IBM program and what has meant to his family and Ingrid Weiss, a proud #IBMer.

I only asked Rob last week for his perspective - and he sent me this detailed perspective - much more than I had hoped for. Thanks Rob / Pamela and Ingrid.

Day 26 of ND Challenge - Webcast - Untapped Talent by Diane Delaney

LISTEN to Diane Delaney - our global Neurodiversity@IBM Program Manager - as she discusses #Neurodiversity: Untapped Talent That Can Help Meet the Cyber Skills Shortage". Click here to listen ===>

Day 25 of ND Challenge - 2019 Corporate Responsibility Report

One of our core objectives in creating the global Neurodiversity@IBM recruitment program was to fundamentally realign IBM's DNA. To make IBM "Neuro-Aware" and accepting.

The 2019 Corporate Responsibility Report was published on June 29 2020 and details IBM’s performance and progress in 2019 and beyond on a wide variety of issues - including Neurodiversity.

Most importantly we now have the following statement: "We are dedicated to hiring neurodiverse people. We have 1,400 IBMers who are members of this community. We offer internship and work placement programs for autistic people." ~ Page 22.

Wow! Just.... wow!

Day 24 of ND Challenge - ND 101 and Nat Ice Bucket Challenge

Who is Natalia Lyckowski, What is #Neurodiversity 101 and WHY is Nat sitting under an Ice Bucket? Our ND@IBM Business Resource Group (BRG) sponsored and helped build an #IBM #Neurodiversity Learning Bundle which demonstrates to #IBMers, the benefits for business and society of working effectively in a #neurodiverse environment.

Nat is a strong Autism@Work Advocate, inside & outside IBM & is proudly Neurodivergent. In 2020, as a global co-leader of ND@IBM, Nat put herself under this bucket - if 1,000+ IBMers took the course. And they did.

ND101 had many components including - #Autism in the Workplace - Hiring ND Talent - Working in a ND team and Contributing to an inclusive environment.

We believe, like Nat, it is not sufficient to just "talk" about this important initiative... IBMers believe we must "walk-the-walk" as well and #BeEqual.

Day 23 of ND Challenge - Blog by Katrina Troughton - IBM GM A/NZ

Katrina Troughton is our Australian executive in #IBM who sponsors our Neurodiversity@IBM recruitment program. See her April comments below.

Globally, William J. Smith III General Manager is our Neurodiversity@IBM BRG Executive Sponsor - "With their help and guidance, IBM made tremendous strides in 2019. We started neurodiverse hiring efforts in several countries, including Brazil, Northern Ireland, Australia, Canada and the United States, which we will continue to expand this year.". Thanks for the support Bill... and also Bob Picciano and Yves Veulliet.

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Day 22 of ND Challenge - Building a business case for ND recruitment in your company

Who Says Elephants Can't Dance to a Neurodivergent melody? Inside #IBM, with a supporting team, we developed an approach to shifting a large enterprise so that it would embrace a new recruitment approach for individuals on the spectrum.

This short COVID video outlines the key challenges, the scope, the costs and benefits involved as well as the key phases achieved over a 5 year period to build a solid business case for a ND Recruitment program. Finally I will reveal what success looks like and any guidance, as we expand in 2020 across all geographies.

This approach can be adopted in your company too. Contact me for my support in your enterprise & SHARE in your own community.

Day 21 of ND Challenge - Ahold and ND@IBM

Nancy Silva from #Aholddelhaize reflects on the importance of the Neurodivergent recruitment program from #IBM. Nancy Silva, QA Portfolio Manager, and Dyllan Rafail's supervisor while he’s on site with Retail Business Services (AholdDelhaize), recalled a project where the team was working on a new mobile app.

The rest of the team saw no way forward but to test the app on multiple different phones and mobile operating systems, one at a time. “He looked at that differently and said, ‘I think I can set up something to do this a little better,’” she remembered.

“Somewhere, someone’s taken a chance on us in our careers,” Silva said. “So, what a wonderful thing to be able to pay that back.”

Nancy co-presented @ IBM THINK in 2019 with Ingrid Weiss and I regarding "When Neurodiversity works" reflecting on her own insight. Thank you Nancy for your ongoing support.

Day 20 of ND Challenge - Listen to Ingrid

DAY 20 ND@IBM: LISTEN to Ingrid Weiss as she presents @ THINK 2019 in San Francisco. As a Neurodivergent recruit, Ingrid was hired as a result of a ND Recruitment program as led by Shalini Pahwa locally in #IBM. This is the FIRST time I've released this recording of Ingrid's THINK session as she recalls her journey in life and into IBM - and what it meant to her. I hope you will take the 12 minutes to listen to her testimony.

Day 19 of ND Challenge - IBM Canada and ND@IBM

Meet Steven Astorino - our VP #IBM Data & AI Development, #Canada Lab - as he reflects on the COVID-19 world and our commitment to Neurodiverse #IBMers.

"In 2019, IBM hired several co-ops who identified as being on the autism spectrum into areas of our Lab like quality assurance and software development. We’ve just made the same commitment for 2020, as this year’s Specialisterne co-ops began their first week at the Lab in May."

Day 18 of ND Challenge - Meet Steph Carayannis - Specialisterne Blog 

Meet Steph Carayannis - a Program lead in Specialisterne - who specializes in Neurodivergent recruitment programs, interviews and helps companies like #IBM recruit individuals on the Spectrum. CLICK HERE -> to learn more about Steph's work.

I personally met Steph as she was engaged in the final interview process with Belinda Sheehan and a supporting team in #IBM Ballarat in 2019 - and helped us hire 10 IT Professionals. A very capable and passionate individual. I have met a few Specialisterne commited leads, like Steph, in other countries in which IBM is engaging. Thanks Steph! and Thorkil Sonne!

Day 17 of ND Challenge -

Meet Steve Davies, lead of #IBM CIC Ballarat, as he narates (in 2019) his sites focus on creating a Neurodiversity recruitment Program at his site for any new #IBMers. IBM has now hired 10 individuals in this site and growing...

IBM globally has Current 2020 hires of ND talent in the following sites: #Ballarat #Australia#Ottawa #Canada#Lansing #Michigan & Sao Paulo #Brazil. For 2020/2021 we plan to expand the program in the above current sites and in NEW including other USA sites, Columbia (USA), #Guadalajara #Mexico#Ireland#UK and the #Philippines.

This global expansion is being directed by Diane Delaney with many leaders like Steve DaviesShalini PahwaBelinda Sheehan, myself and Paul Austin and many more in the other global sites.

BTW If you want to move to Ballarat - take a moment to see what the lifestyle is like here ->

Day 16 of ND Challenge - Meet Ryan Hawkins

 Meet Ryan Hawkins - who with Samuel Castleman found a workplace in #IBM where his #autism was accepted. This is an April 2020 update by Ryan who.. while quiet... speaks volumes. In IBM he now fulfils varying roles, from cloud engineer, developer, tester, and automation specialist - working across many of our clients.

" has helped me learn things about working in teams and how to communicate in different ways"

I met Ryan in 2019 and during his recruitment process - and he impressed me in his ability to focus and listen.

Day 15 of ND Challenge - World Autism Awareness Day

 Yves Veulliet is one of my heroes in #IBM who helped guide Paul Austin and I on a 'perilous' journey to pitch a global program in IBM which embraces neurodiversity hiring. In this short article, Yves, our Global Diversity Inclusion Leader at IBM, discusses why autism awareness is important in IBM and to many other organisations now. Thankyou Yves.

Day 14 of ND Challenge - Katrina Troughton reflection

IBM A/NZ Managing Director, Katrina Troughton reflects on the IBM Australia’s neurodiversity program. "I want to congratulate the team behind this initiative and celebrate all IBMers and all individuals helping to remove bias and bring about greater diversity and inclusion in the workplace."

Day 13 of ND Challenge - 7:30am Video - IBM Giving people on the Spectrum a Career

SEE how Sam found a workplace in Australia where his #autism was CELEBRATED. This video was created by ABC 7.30 report in Australia in July 2020. Take a moment to SHARE this video with your associates. Spread the ND word!

In 2019, IBM Ballarat hired 6 new IBMers on the Spectrum as led by Belinda Sheehan and Steve Davies. This is a followup video to the famous 2019 video...

Day 12 of ND Challenge - Breaking Barriers

Read how Sam found a workplace where his #autism was CELEBRATED OR "How Samuel Castleman ended up at #IBM". This is a June 2020 update by Denham Sadler on Sam's experience (Great article Denham!)

In 2019, IBM Ballarat hired 6 new IBMers on the Spectrum as led by Belinda Sheehan and Steve Davies. This is their story.

Day 11 of ND Challenge - IBM Ottawa Lab

In July 2019, the IBM Ottawa Lab in Canada hired six neurodivergent students into various co-op roles - read a first hand experience of this program from Matt and Judy Mouland, Accredited Coach.

“We talk about neurodiversity, and the key to neurodiversity is having people that can look at things from every single angle. That to me was the outstanding thing that happened at IBM."

This is final part of a blog series by Dmitri Stupak (an IBMer and previously a behavioural therapist with Autistic kids) who sat down with key #IBM stakeholders in a 5 part series to understand our Neurodiversity recruitment program across the US and Canada (and Globally).

Day 10 of ND Challenge - Meet Joshua

Take a moment to meet Joshua Maddison. Being Neurodivergent is no barrier to Joshua as he starts his career in #IBM.

"I have autism and in spite of this condition, I'm still able to make a contribution to the day-today work my team does and help clients to achieve great possibilities. My role involves onboarding clients to our #cloud platform." ~ Joshua

Christina Kernebone, his hiring manager in Sydney says "Joshua has a real passion to make a difference for other people like him. Josh is so friendly. When we were in the office he changed the tone of the whole floor in George St - he said Hello to everyone who walked past his desk & after their first reaction (taken aback) everyone started saying Hello to him every morning. It is very special to be his manager".

Find out more re New Collar program within IBM here ->

Day 9 of ND Challenge - Collaborate to Innovate Blog

Engaging SIX #Neurodivergent IT Professionals is not a straight-line hiring process - #IBM in Ottawa and #Specialisterne describe how and why the process was different... ...and the benefits as revealed by Marcellus MindelChris Lynk and Alan Kriss.

“It’s amazing to see the change in a person’s life when they go from not being able to contribute, to becoming a regular contributor in employment."

This is part 4 of a blog series by Dmitri Stupak (an IBMer and previously a behavioural therapist with Autistic kids) who sat down with key #IBM stakeholders in a 5 part series to understand our Neurodiversity recruitment program across the US and Canada (and Globally).

Day 8 of ND Challenge - IBM program in Ballarat Video - 7:30 report

DAY 8 ND@IBM: Being hired is tough. But being #Neurodivergent and wanting to be hired is 100x tougher. Watch Samuel Castleman as he experiences the hiring process @ #IBM Ballarat. I will post the follow up video with Sam tomorrow.

In 2019, IBM Ballarat hired 6 new IBMers on the Spectrum as led by Belinda Sheehan and Steve Davies. This video on ABC had over 100k downloads.

So why did IBM do this? "The unemployment rate of people with autism sits at 31.6 per cent — nearly six times greater than the rate for people without any disability — and the real rate is likely a lot higher as some have given up looking for work." Read and share the article to understand more of this journey.

Day 7 of ND Challenge - Meet Ingrid - Blog

Introducing Ingrid Weiss - an exciting (excitable) IT Professional and true #IBMer living on the Spectrum who now works in #IBM Lansing.

"Going forward, I see myself as a person who can bridge the gap for clients hoping to bring legacy infrastructure and programs up to the current leading edge.”

This is part 3 of a blog series by Dmitri Stupak (an IBMer and previously a behavioural therapist with Autistic kids) who sat down with key #IBM stakeholders in a 5 part series to understand our Neurodiversity recruitment program across the US and Canada (and Globally).

Day 6 of ND Challenge - IBM Ballarat 7.30 Article

In 2019, IBM Ballarat hired 6 new IBMers on the Spectrum. This widely reviewed ABC article details the end to end recruitment process as led by Belinda Sheehan.

So why did IBM do this? "The unemployment rate of people with autism sits at 31.6 per cent — nearly six times greater than the rate for people without any disability — and the real rate is likely a lot higher

Day 5 of ND Challenge - When doing the right thing - Blog

 Introducing Dyllan Rafail - he reflects on what it's like to "live with high functioning autism" and how he became an #IBMer...

This is part 2 of a blog series by Dmitri Stupak (an IBMer and previously a behavioural therapist with Autistic kids) who sat down with key #IBM stakeholders in a 5 part series to understand our Neurodiversity recruitment program across the US and Canada (and Globally).

Day 4 of ND Challenge - BLOG How to support Autistic Individuals in Agile Workspace

Megan Roddie and Bill Dusch, PhD, explore how to support Austistic employees in Agile Workspaces. Our internal IBM community is helping us build internal guidances on integrating our new employees within #IBM. Great work Megan, Bill!

Day 3 of ND Challenge - Seeing the Benefits Blog

In the 2nd Half of 2019 - Dmitri Stupak (an IBMer and previously a behavioural therapist with Autistic kids) sat down with key #IBM stakeholders in a 5 part series to understand our Neurodiversity recruitment program across the US and Canada (and Globally). Here the first part... featuring Paul Austin and #IBMOttawa More to come.

Day 2 of ND Challenge - When ND Works - Blog

Starting the ND@IBM program with Paul Austin was a revelation for me.... and part of that life-changing experience was working with IBMers like Ingrid Weiss. I had an opportunity to co-present with Ingrid in 2019 at San Francisco. Read the blog below.... Location:US.

Day 1 of ND Challenge - When Neurodiversity Works Video

 I am going to challenge myself to post 1 article a day regarding our Neurodivergent Hiring program within IBM... and why it works. 30 past and currently articles in 30 days. Let's start with a video... created with the team in IBM Lansing... (hopefully I will not repeat myself). Lets start in IBM US.

9th March 2020 -

Simon Clements - "....we found encouraging employees with #autism helped address our skills gap, for example. If we look at the high functioning end of the scale, fine-detail processing, analytical skills, these are all skills #IBM as an organisation are competing for. It was kind of a no-brainer."

A huge congrats to Vessy ( - People, Culture, Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Services) who launched her 2020 Diversity in the Workplace Report in Feb in London. Vessy collaborated with many Diversity and Inclusion leads including Simon in the UK.

The full report can be found here...

#diversity #autismatwork #autism #neurodiversity #IBM #IBMUK #jobs Paul Austin

5th December - Andrew Williams @ SYDNEY ND Symposium

3rd December - PART 5 of 5 blog - Neurodiversity Hiring: How it Brings Value to Individuals and Teams

2nd December - PART 4 of 5 blog - IBM and Specialisterne Collaborate to Innovation the Process for ND Hiring

19th November - PART 3 of 5 blog - Careers blog update from Dyllan Rafail

19th November - PART 2 of 5 blog - Careers blog update from Ingrid Weiss

7th November - Simon Clements audio blog regarding ND@IBM

Simon Clements within IBM UK Talent Acquisition shares his clear view on the #Neurodiversity program within IBM.... in this very very vibrant audio blog.

8th November - WINNER of Chair Award @ Drum B2B awards.

Early this year, a short important film by #IBMOriginals was created called "When Neurodiversity works" - explaining the journey of individuals being hired by IBM via a unique hiring program. Yesterday this film received the coveted Chair’s award!!

This program by #IBMIGNITE is continuing and has now expanded to Argentina (7 hires) and Australia (10) hire and more to come. #Neurodiversity does matter! The film was a great outcome by the IBM Originals team to describe the impact - Thanks Stephen Leps, Natsuko Miura the film crew and all the new IBMers who appeared in it.

Here is the film: "When Neurodiversity works"

Contact me if you want to know more about the #ND hiring program.

7th Nov 2019 - ARTICLE: Ask an Autistic. Get an Answer.

This past summer Sebastien La Duca, a student at CMU, was an intern in Paul Austin's department. Sebastien is openly and proudly autistic. Paul's time with him was educational and hopes that by sharing an interview with him that I help others understand a few aspects of neurodiversity in the workplace.

6th Nov 2019 - PART 1 of 5 blog - Seeing the benefits of Neurodivergent-Teams: Dmitri Stupak 

Part 1 of a 5 part #IBM blog regard the benefits of Neurodivergent teams in IBM. Leaders of the IBM ND community were interviewed by @Dmitri Stupak.

"....helping differently thinking people understand one another has been a lifelong passion of mine." ~ Paul Austin, IBMer

25th September 2019, BLOG - For workers on the ASD spectrum, unique jobs for unique skills: When Neurodiversity Works

"Another failed interview. What a surprise."

SHARE and Read about Dyllan & Ingrid's turnaround experience with IBM's neurodiversity hiring program. We now have ND@IBM instances in Brazil, Australia and USA. More to come...

September 2019, Techdiversity awards night and IBM

On the 12th Sept in Melbourne - we celebrated our nomination ( at the TechDiversity awards, gathered with local Diversity leaders and listened to Harriet Green (IBM AP CEO) on Diversity progress. Here is a highlight video of this night.

July 2019, Specialisterne IBM Case Study: IBM Ballarat

18th July 2019, ND@IBM half yearly Status update by Andrew Williams

5th July 2019, "When Neurodiversity Works" nominated for the Shorty Awards

The doco "When Neurodiversity Works" has been nominated for the Shorty Awards for DOCUMENTARY SHORT, ACCESSIBILITY, DIVERSITY & INCLUSION, PUBLIC HEALTH, STEM. The submission outlines objectives and results of the 14 minute video.

3rd July 2019, IBM 2018 Corporate Responsibility Report highlights Neurodiversity

The IBM 2018 Corporate responsibility report features the ND@IBM program (IGNITE ASD) on Page 54 and highlights the effort in IBM Lansing.

The complete report can be found here -->

2nd July 2019, IBM Ballarat hires from it's Neurodiversity Recruitment Program

3rd June 2019, Australian TV highlighting 10 new hires in IBM

An IBM Australia first with the new hire of 10 individuals as part of the IGNITE ASD program. Belinda Sheehan is our ASD delivery lead. This is life changing stuff!

30 May 2019, U. prototype commended by RSA Student Design Awards: Jack Strachan

Jack Strachan from Loughborough University and an IBM intern completed a project "Empowering Employees with Autism in the Workplace". This project was 'commended' in the 2018/19 RSA Student Design Awards for the brief 'Hidden Figures'. Jack proposed the following prototype:

U.   a digital platform designed, specifically, to support autistic employees in large organisations. By flipping the script on autism, U. enables large organisations to leverage employees with neuro-diverse skillsets in a positive way that is mindful of their own wellbeing.

Click on the image below to find out more...

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Jacks complete submission can be found here:

20 May 2019, IBM Ballarat, Australia

Anam Shahab from IBM discusses (in a local radio blog) how IBM Ballarat has engaged Neurodiversity talent in this Delivery Centre. Photos contributed by Andrew Williams and Aman Shahab.

9th April 2019 - IBM Ballarat, Australia

HRD discusses how IBM Australia is breaking new ground in the push for a more diverse and inclusive workplace.

5th April 2019 - IBM Argentina prepares for Neurodiversity@Work

Thru the IBM Argentina ASD leadership team - Maria Cecilia Bel (Neurodiversity@IBM Lead) & Daniel Marcuzzi (IBM PwD Leader Argentina / HR Diversity & Inclusion) - we are moving towards our first steps in Neurodiversity engagement in Buenos Aires. This article provides an outline on current progress.

2nd April 2019 - IBM Global

HR technologist discusses how industry and IBM is taking on the Neurodiversity employment challenge. Paul Austin comments "Neurodiverse people approach problems differently and have to think harder to get around what the rest of us accept.”

2nd April 2019 - IBM Lansing, USA

Article by Shalini Pahwa celebrating Neurodiversity @ IBM.

1st April 2019 - IBM Ballarat, Australia

15th MARCH 2019 - IBM Lansing, USA

Ahold discusses the impact of the IGNITE ASD program.

2nd March 2019 - IBM Ballarat, Australia

Recruitment for IBM's Neurodiversity program in Australia.

28th February 2019 - Article from CXO Magazine

Schyuler Velasco discusses IBM involvement in autistic engagement in IT.

25th February 2019 - IBM Ballarat, Australia

Steve Davies and Belinda Sheehan from IBM Ballarat discuss the new Neurodiversity program to be launched in Australia.

15th February 2019 - IBM Lansing, USA

Blog regarding the IGNITE ASD program within IBM.

14th February 2019 - IBM Lansing, USA

"When Neurodiversity Works" is a documentary that follows four individuals with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in their journey to find meaningful work and independence as part of the IGNITE ASD program by IBM.

14th February 2019 - IBM Lansing, USA

"When Neurodiversity Works" trailer.

7th Feb 2019 - Autistic Career Advice from IBM

6th February 2019 - IBM THINK 2019

A brief video preview of our THINK 2019 event in San Francisco and how we are to feature Neurodiversity within IBM.

6th February 2019 - IBM Ballarat, Australia

IBM Ballarat commences the recruitment process for the IGNITE ASD program in Australia.

5th March 2018 - IBM Lansing, USA

Introducing Ingrid Weiss, our newest IBM recruit.

23 August 2017 | Written by: Paul Austin

Paul discusses the changing values in the workplace regarding Autism.

Elaine Palmer

Senior Technical Staff Member at IBM Research

5 年

Inspiring and informative collection of articles and videos!

Paul Austin

Senior Manager, z/OS Support; Adjunct Professor, SUNY Oswego

5 年

Finally, one source! thank you...


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