Neurodiversity and Exceptionalism at Work

Neurodiversity and Exceptionalism at Work

Neurodiversity strengths are vast and comprehensive, and when businesses capitalize upon those strengths and encourage inclusion, the entire workplace is bound to thrive. Understanding areas of Neuorodiverse exceptionalism is foundational to growing the efficacy of your workforce. The divergent perceptive offered by the neurodiverse is essential to innovation and consistent, progressive achievement. Three specifics areas of Neurodiverse exceptionalism are proven to ensure success over time: tenacity, critical thinking, and innovation.

Through research as an educator and psychologist,?Angela Duckworth?discovered that tenacity/grit is one of the number one predictors of success. In her book,?Grit - The Power of Passion and Perseverance, she discusses "parenting for grit," mentioning that the word derives from the Latin root word meaning "to bring forth." She identifies "wise" parents as equally supportive and demanding in the areas of interest, practice, purpose, and hope. As a parent and business owner, I have found that effective parenting skills are readily applicable in the work environment.??If grit is the secret to success, then identifying the most tenacious employees in an organization is a valuable endeavor. The Neurodiverse are typically some of the grittiest folks you will find. All Neurodiverse individuals share a divergent perspective of reality, meaning everyday basics like communication, social interaction, and even daily routine demand grit. Capitalizing on the tenacity inherent within the Neurodiverse is an ideal way to bring forth interest, practice, purpose, hope, and ultimately grit in the entire workforce.

Google defines critical thinking as, "objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment.". Critical thinking is an essential leadership tool. Leaders make thoughtful decisions, solve challenging problems, and purposefully evaluate for growth and development. The most powerful and influential leaders solve the world's biggest problems. The Neurodiverse thrive in the arena of critical thought. People with dyslexia employ critical thinking daily to develop alternative ways to understand and communicate written and auditory language. Autistics use critical thinking skills to engage socially. Those with ADHD apply critical thinking skills daily, developing creative ways to overcome their attention challenges and emotional hyperarousal. Essentially, critical thinking is a survival skill for highly functioning Neurodiverse individuals.??Highlighting this area of Neurodiverse exceptionalism at the workplace and encouraging collaboration with team members can evoke extraordinary collective insight and power.

Innovation is crucial to success in the business world. Companies spend millions in search of innovative concepts, ideas, and products. While often the best and most affordable place to look is within the confines of your own business. Innovations are concepts, ideas, and products that are both novel and essential. Neurodivergent people bring a different perspective to the table. A common characteristic of Neurodiversity is Sensory Processing Disorder; the Neurodiverse do not experience sensory input in a typical way. This reality makes innovation commonplace amongst the Neurodiverse. Businesses seeking innovation must learn to uncover the wealth of insight offered by the Neurodiverse community.??

Neurodiverse exceptionalism is an underrecognized reality. Some of the most prolific thought leaders, inventors, and influencers of our time are Neurodiverse. Their success and impact are not accidental; I believe them to be evolutionary. The Neurodiverse are not disabled; they are born with natural neurological differences in the function and structure of their brain. Evolution is the process by which things develop and diversify to ensure successful adaptation and survival. I believe the Neurodiverse mind contains evolutionary secrets that will unlock a brighter future for humanity. Embracing Neurodiversity is essential to future success. The most innovative and successful businesses of tomorrow are embracing the brilliance of Neurodiversity now.


