Neurodiversity 101 - different words we use can mean we can end up in different places!
Hand touching a mirror

Neurodiversity 101 - different words we use can mean we can end up in different places!

“But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.” 

― George Orwell, 1984

The words we use can have a powerful impact on the way we view and act towards others. The words we choose to describe ourselves can also frame how we present ourselves to others.

Exclusion....Excluded from what?

We use the term exclusion for children who are taken out of a mainstream classroom either temporarily or permanently. They are often moved there because of their 'behaviour'. They may be seen either as being unable to control themselves or interacting with others in what is seen to be an unacceptable manner. I wonder what that feels like for the child when they are told they are moving from school and now being excluded from that place? Is this inclusive practice? It's an irony that sometimes some people want to belong to places that are more 'exclusive'!

Imagine going to your workplace tomorrow and suddenly someone says to you we are moving you to a new work setting, with new people and a new set of rules and conditions because you don't fit in with the team. How would you feel?

For the parents of excluded children, they can also feel like they have been excluded from a community where they live. The parent who stood at the school gate yesterday is now suddenly gone. They may be shamed by other parents and seen as the problem family rather than having some challenges and requiring support. Waiting list delays for support impact on how parents cope with challenges that they may not understand.Many parents I hear from our desperately wanting help.

Even that term exclusion is a harsh term for a child to hear.It becomes a symbolic power over disadvantaged groups. By selecting children to be separated by the umbrella term behaviour we make the problem residing in the child rather than considering how we can have more inclusive teaching practices. The reality is that social issues and educational inequality are contributing factors that need to be considered (Bagley and Hallam 2015). There are huge disparities in exclusions for underprivileged children (Cole2015; Office for National Statistics 2019). Children with parents who can shout loud and know the routes can gain a diagnosis... if you don't or can't then your child goes a different pathway all together.

Murphy's work exploring how children perceive being excluded is worth reading. The children reported that exclusion behaviours were a communication of personal and social problems that were then amplified by punitive school measures. Many of the students in this excellent but harrowing piece of work described personal challenges that had been misunderstood. They had higher rates of ADHD, Developmental Language Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder for example. Imagine you are a  child who finds sitting still difficult and needs to move. The student may be keen to answer questions or ask questions ( out of turn) and jump up and shout out their response. But while this could be enthusiasm, questioning, critical reflection it can also be misconstrued as lacking focus, impulsive, and disruptive and they get told off. As a result the student becomes increasingly silent and withdrawn or just gets frustrated and not surprisingly shows this to others. Then a spiral of decline occurs.....

Another child may find a noisy playground with children overwhelming and the busy social interactions and movements too much and has a melt-down.This leads to bullying by others and a the child becomes angry and hits out....

Children don't like to feel they are different from their peers...

"Oliver (15), recalled that he was offered a support worker for his learning needs. He felt embarrassed by this and eventually truanted from class, and these examples were numerous.

Samuel (14) reported that when he was identified as needing extra support, he was ‘made to sit with autistic kids’. He felt uncomfortable because he thought his peers would judge him."

What is even more tragic is the number of children who had been physically or psychologically abused and bullied.

I currently working with a number of alternative provision units using the Do-IT Profiler and we are finding reported head injuries at rates 10-11 x higher than expected and a real mix of neurodiversity + adversity. The data will be published soon.

What does 'In-Care' and 'Looked After' really mean?

Fewer than 1% of all children in England are in care.( does in- care mean care more or care-less?).

These children make up more than half (52%) of children in secure training centres (STCs) and young offender institutions (YOIs).

We use words that don’t always reflect what they really mean.

The wrong words lead to being stigmatised

Stigmatisation has been found to have a significant impact and can lead to social exclusion. (Mfoafo-M'Carthy & Sossou, 2017). Shame is often a response for the person ( if a child.. and also the family) and so there is a double impact. I remember other parents tut-tutting when one of my children was not coping at a party once. It hurts. You end up avoiding going to places because of it.

Building our self-identity

Cooley described a theory called ‘The looking-glass self' wherein individuals base their sense of self on how they believe others view them. Using social interaction as a type of “mirror,” people use the judgments they receive from others to measure their own worth, values, and behaviour.He suggested that self-concept is not built in isolation but is impacted by the social setting we live in. 

Are we really either good or bad?

We tend to love to have dichotomies. Someone is good or bad, clever or not...we find it much harder to accept the nuances of who we are and the reality of why we end up in one place or another. A child excluded from school may be labelled as having a 'behaviour' problem but may in reality have a receptive language challenge that makes understanding and decoding their world much harder but because this has not been recognised they are frustrated and others irritated by their actions.

Be careful of the words you choose as they can have a lasting impact

It is not that long ago that we forced children to right with their right hand. The term sinister comes from Latin sinister "left, on the left side" (opposite of dexter), a word of uncertain origin. It was associated in the early 15c., sinistre, "prompted by malice or ill-will; false, dishonest, intending to mislead,". Left-handed people were seen as "deceitful, perfidious,".

Cesare Lombroso who lived in the late 19th Century was an Italian criminologist, phrenologist, physician, and founder of the Italian school of criminology. He believed that there were certain physical (often animalistic) features that made people innately criminal, believing there were anatomical similarities between criminals, savages and apes! Today we have moved on and don’t see left handers in the same light.

Perpetrator, offender and criminal

A recently published excellent article by Bidwell and Polley describes the perception and impact for individuals in prison and the terms that are used to describe them today and emphasises once again the power of the words we use. They describe how ' terms such as ‘perpetrator’, ‘offender’ and ‘criminal’ carry misleading connotations'. They emphasise, like the excluded child, the problems are seen to reside within the person and a tendency to offend.

The approach we have taken in society in the past is that if we are the problem and feel shame for our actions we will then repent and not repeat them. However if our actions because of others/society e.g. because of poverty, hunger, impulsivity, abuse, trauma, misunderstanding, discomfort, and adverse childhood events we need to rethink the pathways and barriers .The control for your future and your past is within the grasp of others.

Listen to the work from Mark Johnson MBE who was a former drug abuser and has had experience of the criminal justice system.

"He has gone onto become a best-selling author and respected social commentator.Mark’s story is just one example of the transformative change which we strive to achieve for many others. Mark’s direct contact with the criminal justice system, and later as an employer of people who’d been in prison and consultant for government and other charities, left him convinced of the urgent need to create a model of service user engagement that is fair for all involved.

The principal aim was to foster dialogue between service users and service providers that is mutually beneficial, aiding rehabilitation and recovery and results in better and more cost-effective services. "

Empathy not sympathy

Empathy not sympathy

We need to value and listen to the words someone is speaking and take precious moments to hear what is being said. The language others used to talk about us has been shown to aid or abet this (Giordano, Cernkovich & Rudolph, 2002; Paternoster & Bushway, 2009; Vaughan, 2007).

"If we can share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame can't survive.” 

― Brené Brown

The neurodiversity framing can result in a changed view

In order for someone to see there is the potential change our identity we need to see the ‘future self’ can be different to the past one.

Using the framing of neurodiversity as a positive one has the benefit of offering discourse and respectful enquiry. It stops us assuming stereotypes about, for example, 'autistic' people are X or ADHD people are Y.

Too often we have used terms in jest (I call this microaggressions) that repeatedly wound those you make fun of. The child who trips and falls and is described as 'clumsy' can often remember those words as an adult when someone makes a passing comment about them spilling a drink, or knocking into someone.

In order for society to change we need to consider what inclusion really means. It is not about letting 'those' people in.

Inclusion means readdressing the inequity that exists.

With increasing waiting lists for diagnoses for conditions such as ADHD we need to decide how as a society we provide more support to reach more people.

The alternative is we accept that separation, exclusion and othering will happen and the consequences for those who are isolated and for society as a whole.

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Let's optomise each person's capabiltieis. Potential-Interference = Performance ( Gallwey)

5 things we can we do?

1.Teach about empathy, kindness and respect at all stages of education and employment and remind us all of the value of this. This includes self compassion. "Self-kindness exists in contrast to the self-critical approach that many of us are familiar with. When we turn criticism inwards, we might blame ourselves for not being good enough, or form negative thoughts regarding our inability to cope with life’s challenges.

2.Training is needed in all schools to recognise the different ways children and young people express their needs and to gain a better understanding of the reality of different combinations of neurodiversity and adversity.

3.The language of emotional literacy needs to be taught so that children and young people have the words to speak and safe places to express their concerns

4.As a society we need to consider the words we use and keep challenging them when they cause othering, shame and stigmatise others,

5.We need to be alert to children who have had experience of early trauma in their lives as this has long term impact on their mental wellbeing. This includes children in and out of systems, or who have had rocky starts/premature and those who diverge away from constructed social norms.

The blog author

I am Amanda Kirby.I am a mixed bag of experiences and skills and have 25+ years of working in the field of neurodiversity. I am a medical doctor, Professor, and have a Ph.D. in the field of neurodiversity.I have very personal multi-generational experiences of being neurodivergent with my wonderful neurodivergent family.

CEO of Do-IT Solutions a tech-for-good company that delivers web-based neurodiversity screening tools that are used in schools, alternative provision/PRUs, in college, apprenticeships, universities and the workplace as well as in prisons.

The accessible tools and guidance varies depending on the context. We deliver consultancy to help organisations to plan out what they need to do step by step. We also deliver training that has helped 1000s of people deliver person-centered solutions relating to neurodiversity and wellbeing. Contact me if you want to talk through how we can help.

Theo Smith and I wrote the UK award-winning book Neurodiversity at Work Drive Innovation, Performance, and Productivity with a Neurodiverse Workforce. My 10th book has come out called Neurodiversity and Education . I was also voted one of the top 20 Thinkers by HR magazine for 2022!

Liza Iolli

Leader, Educator and Linguist

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An insightful and powerful read, thank you Prof. Amanda Kirby

Lorah Ashley

Director of Sales, Proven Top Sales Producer & Sales Trainer In the Luxury Jewelry Industry.

1 å¹´

#empathymatters ??????

Pamela Azar

Town Councilor Lincoln RI 2019-

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One of statement by the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein was “The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” I always think that we need more words because having more words means having more things we can think of, and the more we can think, the more we can understand. The more we can understand, the better we can live respectfully and authentically together.


Prof. Amanda Kirby MBBS MRCGP PhD FCGI的更多文章

