Neurodivergence: Inclusively Leading Evolution’s “Specialist Thinkers”
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Neurodivergence: Inclusively Leading Evolution’s “Specialist Thinkers”

As companies better understand diversity, they’re becoming more intentional about hiring and enhancing the employee journey for historically marginalized talent beyond initial identifiers such as race and gender. Through improved research, one branch of diversity that’s gaining enhanced visibility is neurodiversity, or neurodivergence.

In its most generalized form, neurodiversity refers to brain differences in a group of people. Sometimes it might be used to imply “cognitive diversity” because cognitive diversity means diversity of thought, often shown through personality types, thinking and problem-solving skills. However, the term neurodiversity is most often used to reference neurodivergence.?Although neurodivergence brings cognitive diversity to the table, it is different. When dissected, the meaning is in the word:

  • ?neuro references the brain or nervous system
  • divergence references differing or diverting of the neuro process

In other words, neurodivergence is the difference in brain development, function and behavioral traits from the typical (neurotypical) progression. Neurodivergence includes ADHD, autism, dyscalculia, dyslexia, dyspraxia and Tourette’s syndrome.

Since neurodivergence is a brain-specific diversity trait, not a physical one, neurodivergent folk often get dismissed in hiring processes and can lack consideration in the overall employee experience because of their unique attributes.?

The Care for Neurodivergence

It’s essential for workplaces to be educated on this topic because without disclosure, an employer may never know their employee is neurodivergent. Likewise, as it applies to neurodivergence, there are many misconceptions.

Check out these stats:

  • The UK Governmental Archived Articles estimate that 1 in 7 is neurodivergent in the UK, while according to the Groves Learning Organization, the ratio is 1 in 8 in America.
  • ADHD Aware cites that 30-40% of the world’s population has some type of neurodivergence.
  • According to the Center of Neurodiversity and Employment Innovation, “Unemployment for neurodivergent adults runs at least as high as 30-40%, which is three times the rate for people with disability, and eight times the rate for people without disability.”
  • Accenture has identified through surveys that 61% of employees and 79% of executives with neurological disabilities don’t fully disclose this in the workplace.

Despite the setbacks, people with neurodivergence have unique brain functions that give them distinct strengths and are often highly equipped for various work. In fact, an article in The Physician Journal of International Health states that neurodivergence is how "evolution has created specialist thinkers to bring a variety of expertise to humanity.”

  • Deloitte references research suggesting, “teams with neurodivergent professionals in some roles can be 30% more productive than those without them.”
  • Companies report a higher retention rate among neurodivergent folk. For example, JP Morgan and Bank of America have reported above 90% retention rates from this population of their employees.
  • The founder of Neuro-Diverse Centers of Excellence at EY Global, Hiren Shukla, found that nearly 35% of the neurodivergent population he researched “has extremely high creativity, complex problem-solving skills, data and technology acumen, aptitude, and interest.”

Based on these findings and so many others, folks with neurodivergence can enrich a company’s workplace environment and drive more profitable results when effectively empowered.

So why is it that high potential neurodivergent candidates remain, at large, highly unemployed? For companies to truly embrace neurodivergence, they must be willing to evolve beyond their current cultural standards. They must learn to be more intentional and individualistic about leading their people.

For a breakdown of specialist thinkers’ differences and strengths, I love this diagram by Resolution Resources.

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Living in a neurotypical world

In 2020, like many others, I struggled with anxiety and depression, so I decided to invest in my mental wellness. At 30, my therapist asked if I had ever been tested for ADHD. I stumbled through my response, taken aback by the question because all I could picture were the stereotypes I associated with it:

  • Hyperactivity
  • Extroversion?
  • Disorganization
  • Laziness

As our appointments became more frequent and in-depth, we began evaluating my symptoms of anxiety, depression and even OCD as potential side effects of ADHD being untreated in my life for so long. We discussed how these symptoms presented themselves in my personal relationships and work life. Despite the incorrect perception I had pictured of what an ADHD diagnosis looked like, it led me to meet with a psychiatrist to explore this possibility further. It turned out that I, in fact, have ADHD: Combined Presentation. Despite the initial disappointment of the diagnosis, it brought curiosity about my identity and how I always thought I fit into my reality.

Through my diagnosis, I quickly learned that negative perceptions of neurodivergence, like I had about an ADHD diagnosis, are incredibly damaging. These stigmas and stereotypes cause many neurodivergent people to fear being typecast, so instead of disclosing their neurodivergence, they may choose to mask it. Many stigmas are induced by Hollywood, which represents people abusing prescribed medications and the media spreading incorrect information about overdiagnosis. Additionally, the science up until recently primarily researched male subjects, although neurodivergence presents differently in female brains. Because of many misconceptions, it is common to develop shame associated with a diagnosis. For me, my struggles have toggled between just that and, yet, also some closure.

Here are a few work-related examples before my diagnosis that I now view with new perspectives, now that I know so much more about how my ADHD affects me:

  • After two weeks in a new role, I attended a happy hour where I was so overly stimulated by the environment that I withdrew. I had a couple of drinks to loosen up and “fit in.” Eventually, I cried in a bathroom stall because I was overly anxious, overwhelmed and struggling to connect to people.
  • I often worked long hours, set high goals for myself and obsessively fixated on achieving them. One day, a colleague approached me to join them for lunch. I declined to stay and work. They responded, “So you’re pretty intense, huh?”
  • When I worked in an open concept environment with nearly 50 people talking loudly, I often wore headphones to limit the distractions around me. However, business was often openly spoken about in these spaces. I would sometimes miss announcements and receive comments that I would have heard the update if I wasn’t wearing headphones.
  • Three weeks into a new role, I participated in a review of the material I had learned so far. There was information that I didn’t recall from the training, and I impulsively reacted in defense of not knowing the material for fear I would be let go. In addition, when I received the feedback on my reaction, I ruminated on the shame for weeks.
  • During busy, high-traffic shifts in a retail role, I often found myself going hours, nearly an entire shift, without taking a break to eat, drink or use the restroom. I would be so focused on ensuring I cared for all my customers that I would grow increasingly time-blind while in that state. Once a lull approached, I often found myself with a migraine, dizziness or nausea from unintentionally tuning out my body’s needs for hours.

Two years after my diagnosis, I am still learning to own my neurodivergence. I am gaining new tools and learning how to show myself grace for the times it challenges me and gratitude for the times it empowers me. I used to think I just needed to try harder.?Now I have learned that sometimes if I prove unsuccessful, it is not a result of my aptitude but a result of living, studying and working in a world that was not designed for the functionality of my brain.

Neurodivergence is a difference, not a deficit

Looking back on my diagnosis journey to learning daily what I need to be successful in the workplace has inspired me to help ensure employers understand neurodivergence is a difference, not a deficit. However, leading neurodivergent employees does not have a one size fits all approach. For employers who want a quick fix, this is critical for them to read and re-read:

“Leading neurodivergent employees does not have a one-size fits all approach.”

Neurodivergent folk may also have other intersectionality (race, gender identity/expression, culture, sexual orientation, etc.) and can sometimes hold multiple neurodivergence or comorbidities. Some are so similarly linked that individuals can be misdiagnosed. It’s also important to note that unless an individual was diagnosed young, they might not know how to advocate for their own needs because they have lived so long without the proper support. Just as well, what worked for a while may change too. ?

The unique qualities that come with neurodivergence add to the different ways individuals need to be led, managed and partnered with. Below are some practices for employers to unleash the strengths in their neurodivergent employees.

Please remember, this is not all-encompassing or representative of every neurodivergence. Employers and HR must listen to the needs of their employees and conduct additional research specific to the neurodivergence their employees have in order to be influential leaders.


Before we get into any best principle, the number one and all-encompassing encouragement I have for employers is to learn flexibility. While something may have always worked in the past, neurodivergence teaches us all how to think differently.


While lived experiences might appear similar between neurodivergent and neurotypical, they are not. The differences are in how neurodivergent brains interpret, calculate, do or don’t respond, and even think about it later. Minimizing experiences is why disclosure is complex for many to consider. Folks may risk receiving a lack of support to be successful in order to not suffer from feeling rejected or stigmatized.


A common symptom for many neurodivergent folks is sensory processing disorder (SPD). SPD is sensitivity to different triggers/stimuli associated with touch, movement, sounds, smell, textures, lights, etc. SPD, however, can present as mild irritations to debilitating physical sensations. Because of that, it can cause emotional irregularities, so creating options and providing necessary accommodations is essential to getting the most out of neurodivergent employees who experience SPD.

However, remember that special accommodations may not be specific to SPD. It could be something like the navigational layout of a floor plan, particular colors or font sizes in your presentations, or allowing access to various accessibility technologies. A great way to provide additional support is assigning a mentor early on, someone with whom neurodivergent employees can quickly build rapport and trust.


When people with neurodivergence are hired into a company with a forceful culture to assimilate, it can be jarring and lead to feelings of being “othered,” or like they don’t belong.

Social norms can even be considered as social cues. It’s widespread for people to associate the idea of reading social cues with autism. However, this is a commonality among other neurodivergencies, too. Social cues that people can struggle to discern or partake in include tone of voice, eye contact, emotion, handshakes, body language, rocking or inability to sit still, oversharing, etc. It can be as granular as being aware of saying hi to colleagues in the breakroom. However, adjusting behavioral expectations helps create an open environment for everyone to come to work as their authentic selves.


The Pomodoro Technique and scheduled focus blocks allow many people with neurodivergence to enter a flow-state, hyperfocus and/or manage their hyperfocus. For others, it can help them find the motivation for more challenging and less interesting tasks. Interruption from hyperfocus for some with neurodivergence can cause emotional responses, be challenging to break from or be a struggle to re-enter. It is helpful for neurodivergent minds to have allocated time to ensure a chance to flow uninterrupted or to gain the motivation to complete the task.

Likewise, neurodivergent folk need breaks. This is a best wellness practice for their minds and often their bodies. Breaks allow the brain to relax through mindfulness, walks, zoning out, and an opportunity to freely express tics/stimming from suppression during meetings or even to ensure bodily needs are met. Because some neurodivergent have less interoception, some don’t feel their physical needs and, when in hyperfocus, can often work through their hunger or bio signals.


A commonality within neurodivergence is that people with it often have unique special interests and helpful strengths. Aligning their job responsibilities to them is a great way to get the most out of your employees. Additionally, you can partner them with a colleague who compliments their strengths and passions. For example, if a neurodivergent employee excels at a data task but struggles to deliver the findings in a presentation at a meeting, try partnering them with a colleague to support in presenting the collected data.?


It is essential that managers provide neurodivergent employees who struggle with clarity in their roles or responsibilities with some direction and purpose.??

Since neurodivergence results from varied brain development and function, some, especially those with ADHD and autism, have dysregulation in how the prefrontal cortex speaks to the rest of the neural system. The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is considered by Planet Neurodivergent as the "secretary in your brain" because it controls a wide variety of executive functions, such as planning, task shifting and working memory.?According to an article by Amy F.T. Arnsten in The National Library of Medicine, ?the PFC is "most sensitive to the detrimental effects of stress exposure," based on the research.

When managers maintain open and sometimes over communication, they help alleviate any stress or anxiety neurodivergent employees may grapple with due to lack of clarity and executive function struggles. This is especially important in more ambiguous working environments. Holding space for questions, even with repeated answers, may be necessary for employees to feel a sense of confidence in the work. Additionally, too many steps can be overwhelming, but grouping steps is more achievable and helps some neurodivergent brains better comprehend the task.?


Providing feedback is essential for both corrective and positive behavior.

Positive: Most people with neurodivergence strive to be high achievers and often thrive when positively affirmed. Positive affirmations release dopamine and serotonin in the brain, causing folks to want to repeat the positive behavior. Affirming feedback alleviates the anxiety around determining whether one performs well in their role. When leaders intentionally provide consistent positive feedback, they reinforce positive behavior and build confident employees.

Corrective: Because of their constant struggle to fit in, some neurodivergent people battle rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD), which heightens their sensitivity to corrective feedback and can cause emotional irregularities. Even without experiencing RSD, some may have impulsive reactions or withdraw to reflect on the feedback.

See tips for delivering corrective feedback below:

  • Identify the specific, job-related feedback to deliver.
  • Ideally, provide the input within 24 hours of the event.
  • Ensure the person is in a safe environment.
  • Follow the Ask, Explain, Share, Request Model Ask, “May I share some feedback with you?” Explain the job-related behavior to correct respectfully, clearly and directly. Share why this is important to correct. Provide a solution to the fixed behavior.
  • Allow them an opportunity to speak or ask clarifying questions. This can sometimes be seen as defensiveness when the employee instead wants to explain their thought process to ensure they clearly understand the corrective behavior.

?For more information and helpful resources, check out the MIT Sloan Review.

At the end of the day, leading a workforce with neurodivergence requires employers to slow down their typical leadership approach and communication style. However, without an individual disclosing their neurodivergence, employers should assume everyone needs something specific and unique to themselves to be successful. Develop a trusting relationship with your employees, partner closely with HR and conduct additional research. The time investment builds confidence, commitment and partnership. Providing this psychological safety results in an empowered specialist thinker on your team who betters your organization through their loyalty, passion, innovation and drive.

Susan Diamond, MSW, CFSW

Certified Financial Social Worker / Medicare Specialist | Founder Herfinance Club | Speaker | Author | Health & Wealth | Medicare Mastery | Money Mindset | Financial Wellbeing.

11 个月

Thank you, Chelsea, for sharing your insights with such clarity and depth. Your narrative offers much for us to consider and acts as a catalyst for change. Embracing neurodiversity opens the door to unique perspectives and innovative solutions.

Rebecca H.

Administrative Assistant

1 年

This give me so much hope for so many people across the U.S. that are neurodivergent. I have a loved one close to me that is showing positive signs. I hope I can help this family member navigate this journey as they age and enter the workforce one day. Great read!

Lyric Rivera

Neurodiversity Specialist at Neurodivergent Consulting

1 年

This is great!

Monica McHale-Small

Director of Education Learning Disabilities Association of America

2 年

This is a great article! Thank you for sharing your personal story along with some really excellent information!

Lance Foster

Challenge yourself daily to learn new skills or find answers to questions from another perspective.

2 年

I see lean in moments and perhaps a Ted Talk in your future. Great job.?


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