Neuro-Science Behind Every Emotional Drama

Neuro-Science Behind Every Emotional Drama

My eyes brought tears after so many years, seeing Danish dying hopelessly.

Uncle said to me while he was invited at dinner and taking the last sip of hot soup. My mind started searching about Danish in the relevant friends and family circle.

After recalling every bit of my memory, I finally asked my Uncle

"Who was Danish, Uncle"?

He gazed me angrily by lifting up his eyebrows and revealed that Danish was a character of a drama which made a record business of more than 60 million and people get literally emotional while seeing their favorite character Danish dying awfully.

But What makes people so emotional, despite they know everything they are seeing is fictional ?

Here is the interesting principle of our unconscious mind we learn in NLP;

Unconscious mind could not differentiate between real and fake, IT JUST RESPOND.

Imagine a lemon full of citric juice, a knife cuts this lemon into two pieces and you are seeing the juice started coming out touching your tongue now. Taste this juice and most probably you started salivating, if you have imagine it vividly.

There is no lemon in reality indeed, but your unconscious mind responded and activated saliva in your mouth.

Same thing happens when people are reading stories and seeing movies. People imagine the situation, step into that and their unconscious mind started releasing chemical which we feel in form of different emotions.

Uri Hassan and fellow researchers have monitored the brain activity while viewing the movies and come up with the results that those movies got high rating on box office, which control more brain activity and eye movements. The more emotions triggered while seeing a movie, the more likely it will engage the audience, the better will the business be.

Neuro-scientists are helping filmmakers, video game and mobile application developers to trigger the aforesaid neuro chemicals in your body in order to engage your emotions.

Here is the screen captured by fMRI, showing different activities in brain while observing the storyboard.

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We human beings are emotional beings, and emotions are the feelings that makes us superior then other creatures.

Neuroscience is decoding the science behind triggering the emotions and telling us about different neuro-transmitters which are actually chemicals running through neurons that we feel in our body and we call those feeling our emotions.

Here is a chart of different Neurotransmitters with their relevant functions.

Neuroscience and NLP

Every emotion counts and our body wants to feel every emotion passionately. Even fear, which people want to get rid of, is an emotions most people want to feel that's why children sometime asks to listen horror stories and people love to see horror movies.

In this age of disruption, the fast pace of life are pushing us away from our emotions. Social media and other distractions are getting people closer who are at distance, while distancing people who are closer. This situation is pushing humans to trigger their emotions synthetically.

Here are few techniques, if you want to trigger these emotions naturally;

1.     Be Creative, do something new or do the old things in new ways; find new ways while playing with children, fore-playing with wife, obeying parents, teaching your student, managing work with the employees; improve your learning behavior and it will release dopamine in your body.

2.   Celebrate small wins, spend more time appreciating, pay attention to achievement, learn to stay in present through mindfulness, this will triggers serotonin in your body.

3.     Build relations, have the hands of your father in your hands and see inside their eyes with care, create rapport with your employees, connect with people around, stop micromanage your employees, give them authority they deserve and feel oxytocin.

4.     Do breathing exercises and meditation to regulate the right amount of adrenaline in your body.

The more we start triggering our emotions naturally, the less we need any medium to regulate our feeling unnaturally, the better our life will be.

One thing which will balance all of our emotions is;

Keep asking why you are in this world, and how the things you are doing right now are aligned to your purpose?

The true taste of life is when it is tasted naturally, isn't it?

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